A flexible vertical degree is an undergraduate and a postgraduate degree in one study program - gain two qualifications in less time.

Graduate Diploma of Computing

A single one year postgraduate award offered by the ANU College of Systems and Society

Graduate Diploma of Computing

1 Years 48 Units 6706XGDCP

Study plan and program details

The Graduate Diploma of Computing is a 1-year full-time (or equivalent part-time) degree for graduates from any discipline who wish to up-skill, or for computing graduates who wish to refresh and enhance existing computing skills in the shortest time possible. The Graduate Diploma of Computing provides its graduates with a pathway into the IT industry or to more advanced study in the computing discipline.

The Graduate Diploma of Computing provides graduates with strong foundational knowledge and skills in problem solving, programming and the mathematics required to continue with more advanced study in the computing discipline or to acquire and develop entry level skills and knowledge. The program provides students with the opportunity to investigate a wide range of specialist areas which can be used as the basis for further study or for a new career involving computing.

Students obtaining a GPA of 5 or above in the Graduate Diploma of Computing may be granted up to one year of credit into the Master of Computing (MCOMP). When planning to transfer to the MCOMP on completion, students will need to take care selecting their elective courses to allow for maximum credit and a smooth transition into the MCOMP. For advice, please book an appointment with the Program Convenor.

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