Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and across its varying dialects is spoken by close to 10 million people in Mongolia and China. By learning the Mongolian language students will gain a deeper understanding into the rich culture, history, customs, and society of the Mongolian people. In recent years links between Australia and Mongolia have grown through shared stakes in industry, regional security issues, climate change and tertiary education. Students completing a specialisation in Mongolian will be uniquely placed to engage with this important partner through trade, diplomacy and cultural collaboration. Students who complete the Mongolian language specialisation will have obtained an intermediate command of the Mongolian language.
Relevant Degrees
This specialisation requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:
completion of the following compulsory courses:
MNGL6002 Mongolian 1
MNGL6003 Mongolian 2
MNGL6102 Mongolian 3
MNGL6103 Mongolian 4
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