Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and across its varying dialects is spoken by close to 10 million people in Mongolia, China and Russia. By learning the Mongolian language students will gain a deeper understanding into the rich culture, history, customs, and society of the Mongols. In recent years links between Australia and Mongolia have grown through shared stakes in industry, regional security issues, climate change and tertiary education. Students completing a minor in Mongolian will be uniquely placed to engage with this important partner through trade, diplomacy and cultural collaboration. Students who complete the Mongolian language minor will have obtained an intermediate level command of the Mongolian language.
Students in this minor are encouraged to spend time studying at a tertiary institution in Mongolia. This can be done either by enrolling in ASIA2084 Study Tour: Modern Mongolia: Challenges to the Environment, Economy and Empire or through self-sourced intensive in-country study in the summer or winter breaks. Competitive scholarships are available to qualified students.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:
1. Express themselves in Mongolian, appropriate to the situation and to the people to whom one is speaking, at an intermediate level.
2. Read and understand newspapers and other short extracts from mass media published in Mongolian.
3. Engage with Mongolian people to discuss their work, education and lifestyle at an intermediate level.
4. Write in intermediate Mongolian using the cyrillic script and correct grammar, appropriate to the genre, contents and audience,
5. Work in cooperative groups on practical activities to communicate findings in intermediate Mongolian to other course members.
Other Information
The delivery mode of this minor is 100% online. There are no on-campus classes for this minor.A student may not take a course that is a prerequisite or a lower level than a course which they have already passed.
Students that commencing language studies who have prior knowledge of the language will be required to take a placement test before enrolling for the first time, and it may be the case that students with prior knowledge are not able to complete the unit load needed to fulfil the requirements of minor. Students will not be permitted to enrol in a course at a lower than the level they achieve in the placement test, and may be exempted from compulsory courses.
Relevant Degrees
- Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship (BAHCR)
- Bachelor of Arts (BARTS)
- Bachelor of Asian Studies (BASIA)
- Bachelor of Development Studies (BDEVS)
- Bachelor of International Relations (BIR)
- Bachelor of International Security Studies (BINSS)
- Bachelor of Languages (BLANG)
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Asia and the Pacific (APASP)
This minor requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:
24 units from completion of the following compulsory courses:
MNGL1002 Mongolian 1
MNGL1003 Mongolian 2
MNGL2002 Mongolian 3
MNGL2003 Mongolian 4
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