Program Requirements
The Graduate Certificate of Law requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:
6 units from completion of compulsory course:
LAWS8586 Law and Legal Institutions*
18 units from completion of 8000-level courses in the subject area LAWS Law;
*Students who have completed an Australian undergraduate law degree or Juris Doctor or equivalent are exempted from LAWS8586 Law and Legal Institutions and are required to complete an additional 6 units from the course list.
Admission Requirements
A Bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA of 4.0/7.0
Or at least 10 years of work experience in an ANZSCO Skill Level 1 role
English language Requirements
All applicants must meet the University’s English Language Admission Requirements for Students
Assessment of qualifications
Unless otherwise indicated, ANU will accept all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or international equivalents that meet or exceed the published admission requirements of our programs, provided all other admission requirements are also met.
Where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will base assessment on the qualification that best meets the admission requirements for the program. Find out more about the Australian Qualifications Framework:
ANU uses a 7-point Grade Point Average (GPA) scale. All qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to this common scale, which will determine if an applicant meets our published admission requirements. Find out more about how a 7-point GPA is calculated for Australian universities:
Unless otherwise indicated, where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will calculate the GPA for each qualification separately. ANU will base assessment on the best GPA of all completed tertiary qualifications of the same level or higher.
Indicative fees
- Annual indicative fee for domestic students
- $16,128.00
For more information see:
- Annual indicative fee for international students
- $22,932.00
For further information on International Tuition Fees see:
ANU offers a wide range of scholarships to students to assist with the cost of their studies.
Eligibility to apply for ANU scholarships varies depending on the specifics of the scholarship and can be categorised by the type of student you are. Specific scholarship application process information is included in the relevant scholarship listing.
For further information see the Scholarships website.
The Graduate Certificate of Law offered by the ANU College of Law is the best way to start your postgraduate legal studies – whether you are a non-law graduate or a law graduate from an overseas university. The program is designed to be a stand-alone qualification or provide an entry qualification for the Master of Laws. Completion of the program is compulsory for all graduates without a Law or cognate discipline background seeking to progress to a Master of Laws at the ANU College of Law. The program is optional for all law graduates from overseas universities who might like to increase their understanding of Australian Law or Law and Legal Institutions. The program provides a flexible structure and includes a wide range of elective courses. All courses are taught by staff with international research reputations and draw upon ANU’s strategic location in the national capital. The Graduate Certificate also includes a compulsory 6 unit course on Law and Legal Institutions which provides an important foundation for students’ legal studies.
Career Options
Graduates from ANU have been rated as Australia's most employable graduates and among the most sought after by employers worldwide.
The latest Global Employability University Ranking, published by the Times Higher Education, rated ANU as Australia's top university for getting a job for the fourth year in a row.
Learning Outcomes
undertake further Masters Level study
enable study in specialist areas of law
apply legal knowledge to complex legal problems
structure and sustain legal argument in specialist areas of law
conduct in-depth research in law
incorporate social, policy, comparative or interdisciplinary approaches into legal analysis
engage in original and critical reflection on a topic of law
synthesise legal materials into a concise and cohesive argument that addresses a research question
communicate ideas effectively both verbally and in writing
Inherent Requirements
Information on inherent requirements is currently not available for this program.
Further Information
Courses in this program are mainly offered on campus in Canberra with some elective courses being offered online.
Students who have completed an Australian undergraduate law degree or Juris Doctor or equivalent are exempted from LAWS8586 Law and Legal Institutions and are required to complete an additional 6 units from the course list.
For a list of courses on offer please refer to the LLM course timetable.
For more information on the program please visit the ANU College of Law. To APPLY via UAC please go to LLM Masters Program website.
Back to the Graduate Certificate of Law page
After you
have accepted your offer you will be emailed your password and uni ID.
You must then follow the instructions provided here and enrol online through
International students should discuss their enrolment with the ANU College of Law when they arrive in Canberra. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure the program requirements are met and that all compulsory and required courses are completed so that the program can be awarded.
About this degree
How to choose courses and enrol
- Consult the program
requirements on the Programs and Courses page to see which courses you can
choose. In the Graduate Certificate of Law, LAWS8586 Law and Legal Institutions is compulsory and then you can choose any three other masters program courses.
- Look at the Graduate Coursework Timetable to see what courses are offered and when they are offered.
- Check that you meet the prerequisite(s) for the course.
- Enrol in the course on ISIS - for information on how to do this please go to
Commencement date
LAWS8586 Law and Legal Institutions is a compulsory course for this program and should be completed first.
If you do not have an area of specilisation in mind, we highly recommend you choose your three remaining electives from the fundamentals suite of courses listed below. This will give you a fantastic overview of all areas of law and open up your options if you decide to progress to an LLM.
- LAWS8189 Fundamentals of Environmental Law
- LAWS8182 Principles of International Law
- LAWS8001 Introduction to Law, Governance & Development
- LAWS8587 Legal Framework of Regulation
The ANU College of Law has a strict attendance policy for face-to-face intensive classes. You must attend 100% of scheduled classes, whether they are held on weekdays or weekends. We assume you have taken into account all work, family, religious and other commitments when you enrol.
Online Courses
A few courses in the program are available online including some MLP completion courses. Please see the timetable.
Attendance is not required for online courses.
Course Materials
A Course Study Guide will be published for each course on the Wattle course site. This document contains information on the course including: course lecture outline; textbook requirements; reading requirements; assessment details; and policy information.
You can buy text books at the on-campus Coop Bookshop. Reading Guides or E-Bricks may also be made available on the Wattle course site. This varies from course to course.
will be given access to
the Wattle course site approximately 24-48 hours after you enrol in the course,
provided the site is opened. Sites are generally opened four weeks prior
the commencement of the course intensive. Course Study Guides, course
materials, ebricks,
resources, discussion forums, quizzes and online activities can all be
via each Wattle course site. Assessments will be submitted
electronically on
the Wattle course site.
If you wish to apply for status (credit/advanced standing) for courses you have studied at another university, you must complete an Application for Status form and submit it to the LLM Program Administrator, along with an official transcript of your previous studies and relevant course descriptions and outlines. You will not be granted status for courses that have already counted towards a completed degree or award.
All email correspondence from the University will be sent to your University Webmail account. You can access this email account at and clicking on the Webmail icon. There is a facility to redirect your university email to a preferred account. Please go to: