- Length 0.5 years full-time
- Minimum 24 Units
- Academic plan CFAS
- CRICOS code 082257G
- UAC code
Mode of delivery
- Internal
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There are multiple possible combinations of courses, depending on the areas of interest for each student. Commencing students should discuss their study plan with the program convener.
Academic Advice
If you are using this program as a pathway to the Master of Actuarial Studies, Master of Actuarial Practice or Master of Statistics, please ensure you meet with the Program Convener, Dr Robert Clark (robert.clark@anu.edu.au) for advice.
If you are using this program as a pathway to the Master of Finance, please ensure you meet with the Program Convener, Dr Anna von Reibnitz (anna.vonreibnitz@anu.edu.au) for advice.
Please refer to the CBE Fast Track page: