- Length 0.5 years full-time
- Minimum 24 Units
- Academic plan CSTRAT
- CRICOS code 103868B
- UAC code
Mode of delivery
- Internal
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Welcome to the Graduate Certificate of Strategic Studies. This section for new students will help you to choose which courses you should enrol in for your first semester as well as general information to assist you throughout your degree.
The Graduate Certificate of Strategic Studies is a 24 unit program. This consists of 4 x 6 unit courses and can be completed full time in one semester or taken part time over a longer period. (Note: International students must study a full time load)
After you have accepted your offer online you will be emailed your password and Student ID. Please follow all the instructions in the matriculation email you receive to activate your Interactive Student Information System (ISIS) account. You must then follow the instructions provided here and enrol online in your courses through ISIS. Enrolment is managed through ISIS while the online learning platform is known as Wattle. These two websites will be some of the most common sites used throughout your degree. It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with them as soon as possible.
About this degree
If you are looking to continue with a Master’s degree in the same field following your Graduate Certificate then please ensure that the courses you take are part of the relevant Master’s program. This will then ensure that you receive 24 units of credit for the courses you have taken. You will need to meet the admission GPA for the program to receive an offer.
Students are not eligible for credit in this program.
Students are to follow the degree requirements for the year that they commenced the program. You can change the year on Programs and Courses by clicking on the drop down menu next to the year on the page. If you would like to undertake a course that is not listed in your degree requirements, you will need to seek approval by sending an email to bell.postgrad@anu.edu.au
It is the student's responsibility to ensure the program requirements are met and that all compulsory and required courses are completed so that the program can be awarded.
Enrolment Status
You will need to enrol in at least one foundational course and another 3 courses as outlined under the ‘Study’ tab to make up the 4 courses needed for the Graduate Certificate.
Please note that the courses listed are not available in every semester and some are run in alternate years, so please check to see on the individual course page regarding when they are available.
It is possible to enrol in less than 24 units per semester but it will take you longer to finish your program and get your degree. If you are an international student you must always be enrolled full-time in 24 units each semester.
If you are studying the Graduate Certificate part time you are encouraged to enrol in courses for both Semester 1 and Semester 2. You will be able to change your enrolment in courses up until Monday of Week 2 of each semester without penalty.
Do you want to talk to someone before enrolling?
Contact bell.postgrad@anu.edu.au
Academic Advice
The Coral Bell Student Engagement team are available to provide academic advice to students.
You can contact the team by emailing bell.postgrad@anu.edu.au or calling on 02 6125 5744
Students may also discuss their course selection with the Program Convenor, Dr Jean Bou (jean.bou@anu.edu.au)