Students in this course develop their science communication skills in authentic science engagement settings, creating real-world impact and building networks and pathways to support career development. The course allows students to choose from a range of one-year intensive fieldwork placements at Australia’s leading science engagement organisations. Students explore the fundamental theory that underpins science communication in such settings, then apply it to deliver, evaluate and improve existing programs, develop novel programs and work on other suitable priorities of the fieldwork host – including working alongside and learning from their staff.
To see current fieldwork placement opportunities see the 'Class' tab or visit the National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science website.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:
- Implement, analyse and critique common activities of science communication organisations such as program design, delivery and evaluation.
- Design, implement and critically evaluate novel science communication activities in real-world settings.
- Demonstrate high-level proficiency and theoretical understanding of science communication techniques including presentation, facilitation, online and in-person engagement, and creation of equipment/resources.
- Effectively and inclusively communicate science to audiences of varied ages and backgrounds, including youth, families, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and minoritised groups.
- Identify, utilise and formulate bidirectional relationships between the theory and practice of science communication.
Research-Led Teaching
Theory informs practice; practice refines theory – Alongside the ‘practical’ fieldwork/touring component that makes up much of 8004, students will also become familiar with the academic literature and research that underpins science shows, workshops and other formats used on tour. Research on science shows and outreach is sparse, so relevant theory is often drawn from research on formal education, informal science education, science communication, psychology and other disciplines. This theoretical content will be presented both independently and as parts of sessions dealing with more practical aspects of show presentation, etc. SCOM8014 will also provide concepts relevant to your placement.
Students are expected to take initiative and do their own literature searches or consult lecturers/other experts to locate relevant research, in addition to that presented during lectures.
By the end of the course, you should not only be able to present an effective science show or workshop, but be able to research and understand the theoretical basis for what makes it effective.
Field Trips
Students in this course develop science communication skills that are applied touring with the Questacon Science Circus and during Questacon work placements. The course includes experience in the development of science presentations and workshops, the presentation of science shows to audiences of all ages (with an emphasis on school-age audiences), the presentation of teacher development workshops, explaining science and exhibits to members of the public, promotion of a science outreach program, the operation of a travelling science exhibition, and the coordination of activities while on tour.
While on tour, there are certain qualities that are important for the Questacon Science Circus to operate effectively. Three key qualities you need to be effective include, but are not limited to:
- You take initiative, assist, volunteer and actively tackle team problems
- You cooperate and collaborate with others to produce outcomes that exceed what you could do independently (‘whole is greater than the sum of its parts’)
- You are effective in your assigned role
- You adapt to different roles, sometimes at short notice
- You help and support other teammates in carrying out roles/tasks
- You exert similarly high effort as teammates towards the team’s objectives
- You consider the thoughts and feelings of and relationships with teammates
- You’re part of a homogenous team, avoiding cliques or excluding individuals
- For an academic perspective, see
- You seek out and actively listen to feedback, discuss it, and apply it
- You give feedback, provide guidance and make helpful suggestions in a constructive, thoughtful and tactful manner, at a suitable time
- You are proactive giving relevant information and updates to others
- You consider the value of information from the perspective of others
- You actively resolve conflicts and seek guidance with difficulties
- You don’t let personal issues negatively impact on team or public communication; you seek help when this is difficult.
- You plan thoroughly, you plan as part of a team, are well-prepared, ready for contingencies, and able to adapt plans as necessary during a task
- You are punctual; you advise others where things prevent this
- You are never racist, sexist or otherwise discriminatory
- You keep a calm exterior when dealing with stressful problems
- You wear your uniform with pride and are well presented when dealing with the public (but eccentricity done well is fine!)
- You are a positive ambassador for the partners and sponsors of the program and science more broadly
- You drive, operate machinery, and conduct manual handling processes safely, and don't make others uncomfortable re safety when collaborating
- You think about when it is appropriate to use a mobile phone or other devices, particularly for personal matters.
These qualities are particularly important during your roles as Big Brother, Floor Manager and in the Media Team (TBC subject to tour arrangements/logistics). You will receive feedback after each tour and are encouraged to have a continuous dialogue with Coordinators. Note not all feedback will be formally presented, so take note of ad-hoc discussions, etc. you may have on the road.
Some students opt to do a work placement in the middle or at the end of the year, however this is not a formal requirement of the course and it is not assessed. It can, however, be extremely helpful for networks and employment opportunities after the course. If you’d like to do an external (non-Questacon) placement, talk to Graham and/or the Coordinators as we may be able to connect you with organisations. ANU can also provide insurance if needed. Students need to cover any costs associated with placements. Keep in mind it is a busy year and this is an optional element, you may instead choose to take some downtime - put your wellbeing first.
Examination Material or equipment
Most equipment you'll use on tour can be found in The Cage at Questacon Parkes, however there is also a trove of treasure in the CPAS storerooms, and Graham has an extensive collection of doo-dads many of which he is happy to loan to prop connoisseurs. Note any non-standard props require a Risk Management Worksheet (RMW) to be prepared and approved by the Coordinators.
Required Resources
There is no single set text for this course; readings and other resources from relevant journals and websites will be provided on the class Wattle page.
Recommended Resources
ANU Makerspace – At the start of the year you’ll be familiarised with the ANU Makerspace. The Makerspace is a fantastic resource if you need to repair show props or want to create new equipment for use on tour (and for personal making projects!). Some consumables (3D printer filament, screws, electronic components, etc.) are provided free of charge from the Makerspace, however if you need additional materials for props to be used on tour consult with Coordinators re your needs/costs first, gain formal approval and keep receipts (as per the process with purchasing consumables on tour). Graham is happy to assist you with course-related activity in the Makerspace. Contact the extremely helpful team there on
Students are strongly encouraged to use the ANU Makerspace and make the most of the equipment and staff expertise associated with it.
Recommended (generic) student system requirements
ANU courses commonly use a number of online resources and activities including:
video material, similar to YouTube, for lectures and other instruction
two-way video conferencing for interactive learning
email and other messaging tools for communication
interactive web apps for formative and collaborative activities
print and photo/scan for handwritten work
home-based assessment.
To fully participate in ANU learning, students need:
A computer or laptop. Mobile devices may work well but in some situations a computer/laptop may be more appropriate.
Speakers and a microphone (e.g. headset)
Reliable, stable internet connection. Broadband recommended. If using a mobile network or wi-fi then check performance is adequate.
Suitable location with minimal interruptions and adequate privacy for classes and assessments.
Printing, and photo/scanning equipment (also available in ANU computer labs and at CPAS)
For more information please see
Specialist science communication and IT/AV equipment will be provided.
Staff Feedback
Students will be given feedback in the following forms in this course:
- written comments
- verbal comments
- feedback to whole class, groups, individuals, focus group etc
Student Feedback
ANU is committed to the demonstration of educational excellence and regularly seeks feedback from students. Students are encouraged to offer feedback directly to their Course Convener or through their College and Course representatives (if applicable). The feedback given in these surveys is anonymous and provides the Colleges, University Education Committee and Academic Board with opportunities to recognise excellent teaching, and opportunities for improvement. The Surveys and Evaluation website provides more information on student surveys at ANU and reports on the feedback provided on ANU courses.
Other Information
Class Schedule
Week/Session | Summary of Activities | Assessment |
1 | CURRENT STUDENTS: PLEASE CONSULT THE GOOGLE CALENDAR FOR DETAILS | This summary provides a general information for a student enrolling in SCOM8004 for first time. It is necessary students enrol in this course twice over consecutive semesters (12 units each semester) to a total of 24 units in the full-year. This course is available to students enrolled in the Masters of Science Communication Outreach and students in the Master of Science Communication. |
2 | Show instruction, show, development and safety training, cultural awareness training. Introduction to scicomm/show research and literature including Deep Dives. | February - March |
3 | ACT Tour | March |
4 | NSW tour | April-May |
5 | NT tour | May-June |
7 | Questacon work placements | Semester 2 |
Assessment Summary
Assessment task | Value | Learning Outcomes |
Show Analysis and Development paper - Part 1: Analysis (introduction, literature/practice review, provisional method) | 20 % | 1,2,3,5 |
Show Analysis and Development - Part 2: Development (method, results, discussion, conclusion) | 20 % | 1,2,3,4,5 |
Science Show Videos (1 of 2) | 10 % | 1,3,4,5 |
Science Show Videos (2 of 2) | 10 % | 1,3,4,5 |
Work Placement 1: Reflections | 15 % | 1,2,3,4,5 |
Work Placement Presentation | 25 % | 1,2,3,4,5 |
* If the Due Date and Return of Assessment date are blank, see the Assessment Tab for specific Assessment Task details
ANU has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and implement them. Students are expected to have read the Academic Misconduct Rule before the commencement of their course. Other key policies and guidelines include:
- Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure
- Special Assessment Consideration Policy and General Information
- Student Surveys and Evaluations
- Deferred Examinations
- Student Complaint Resolution Policy and Procedure
Assessment Requirements
The ANU is using Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques, and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing Academic Integrity. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the Academic Integrity . In rare cases where online submission using Turnitin software is not technically possible; or where not using Turnitin software has been justified by the Course Convener and approved by the Associate Dean (Education) on the basis of the teaching model being employed; students shall submit assessment online via ‘Wattle’ outside of Turnitin, or failing that in hard copy, or through a combination of submission methods as approved by the Associate Dean (Education). The submission method is detailed below.
Moderation of Assessment
Marks that are allocated during Semester are to be considered provisional until formalised by the College examiners meeting at the end of each Semester. If appropriate, some moderation of marks might be applied prior to final results being released.
Participation is required in all relevant Questacon Science Circus activities.
Assessment Task 1
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,5
Show Analysis and Development paper - Part 1: Analysis (introduction, literature/practice review, provisional method)
Details of task: The ability to critique your own science communication practice, in this case science shows, and use your analysis to improve your programs is a critical skill. Your shows should be continually changing and improving through the year – they should ‘evolve’. This evolution will happen formally through structured thinking such as this assessment and informally such as making tweaks, improvements or 'happy accidents' while on tour. Many past students tell us at the end of the year they wish they had more chance to develop and personalise their show - this assignment is the opportunity! This two-part assessment asks you to do a Show Analysis (part 1) and then use that to inform the Show Development (part 2). You may focus on your school or pop-up show, or both. This assessment is completed individually.
The assessment is formatted in a similar way to an academic paper, providing an introduction to research. For an example of an academic paper that roughly follows this format see Walker, G. J., Stocklmayer, S. M., & Grant, W. J. (2013). Science theatre: Changing South African students’ intended behaviour toward HIV AIDS. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 3(2), 101–120. NOTE this paper was produced as part of a PhD project so is more in-depth and research-oriented than what is expected from this assessment piece, however it should be helpful to illustrate the general approach of first understanding the context and theory that underpins your practice, then using that to understand its impacts and make improvements. Your paper, however, will be structured somewhat differently.
Structure and key sections: The format is flexible and you can adapt sections, subheadings to suit your needs, however should include:
1. Show Analysis - this provides the theoretical and contextual foundation for your paper. It should:
- briefly introduce the wider context for your show
- construct an argument that reviews associated literature and your practice (shows) re the focus of your analysis and development - this should:
- start by broadly analysing your show by briefly discussing your practice (e.g. reflections tour performances, lecture and training content, etc.) and how it fits together with the theory (i.e. the academic literature and models). This may cover aspects of content (e.g. the science, demos, etc.) and/or performance (e.g. voice/body, dramatic aspects, etc.) and where they intersect - see below for some ideas.
- use this broad analysis to focus in on one or more key aspects to explore in more depth, including digging deeper and synthesising the literature - NOTE this will form the basis for what you will develop in part 2 of the assignment, so put some thought into your priorities.
- based on deeper analysis of these key aspects, identify priorities for development.
- it can help to think of the argument structure as a 'funnel' - you start by broadly looking at your show (top of the funnel), then use that broad analysis to identify/argue the key aspects you think need developing (funnel narrows), then from there your specific development priorities flow out (bottom of the funnel).
- outline a provisional method for implementing your development priorities - exactly what are they, how might you develop/improve the selected aspects, how will you measure the impact or know your improvements worked, etc.?
You may identify several key aspects/development priorities, however it is best to focus on a few (e.g. 1-3) deeply, rather than many superficially.
As everyone will have different key aspects, you'll need to do independent research to identify relevant academic papers in addition to those covered in lectures. The Wattle folder is a great place to start and Graham is happy to share/discuss more on your specific areas (and he's keen to learn through new things you find too!).
IMPORTANT NOTE - when discussing your shows/practice in the Analysis, you should take into account both training/development experiences AND shows on tour. You will only have limited tour time prior to submission, so make sure you are reflecting on your practice and MAKING NOTES during the training sessions at Questacon.
2. Show Development – this is the more experimental part of the paper where, based on your analysis, you take an evidence-based approach to improving your show - this should:
- outline a refined method for your development priorities - identify specific aspects to develop/improve, recap briefly the rationale for why you prioritised them, create a plan for improvement, and identify standard and creative indicators or ways to measure to your progress (i.e. data). Improvements may involve but are not limited to adding demos, developing performance techniques, sourcing or creating new demos/equipment, refining (not completely changing) the theme/focus of your show, etc.
- report results - summarise your experience trialling the improvements and provide associated qualitative and/or quantitative data (these may include teacher surveys, peer/coordinator feedback, self-assessment, audience observations, audience feedback, and personal notes/reflections).
- discussion - drawing on literature you used in the Analysis and new literature as relevant to your findings, discuss your findings. This could cover what worked, what didn't, why (in your opinion and with reference to the literature), etc. If you have findings that speak back to the theory, e.g. confirm/refute/develop ideas in the literature or place them in new contexts, this is the place to close the theory-practice loop.
- conclusion - what does all this mean for your practice/shows and those of others; what are the specific things we should note or do going forward?
PLAN AHEAD! The structure of this assignment means you need to work on it over a period of time to produce a quality outcome. It is recommended you begin drafting, researching and ESPECIALLY TAKING NOTES during training, lectures and Tour 1 even though the Show Development is not due until after Tour 2.
Below are just some key aspects of content and performance to think about and improve, but you may feel others are relevant too. The focus/weighting will depend a lot on your particular show:
- Enthusiasm, immediacy, humour and audience ‘connection’
- Emotional engagement and the role of different emotions (e.g. surprise)
- Relevance to the audience
- Inclusive and cross-cultural science communication, especially to Indigenous audiences
- Use of clear, accurate explanations with appropriate scientific concepts, explanations, language and performance for the particular audience
- Show structure/storyline and connections between different segments
- Use of props and execution of demonstrations
- Audience interaction (questions, call and response, volunteers, etc.)
- Use of voice (clarity, projection, tone, volume, modulation, etc.), facial expressions, body language and movement on stage
- Your personal touches; what makes the show unique.
It is strongly recommended you make preliminary notes during tour while show experiences are fresh in your mind. Notes taken directly after shows will be priceless.
Marking Criteria
- Fully integrate academic literature throughout (not just a token reference or generic paragraph at the end), consultation with peers/experts and other relevant sources to support the analysis and development – make links between theory and practice.
- Be neatly formatted, written in clear and concise language, have excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar, clear structuring and signposting, and include pictures/photos, diagrams and figures that enhance communication.
- Synthesise, bring together and triangulate evidence (use multiple sources of evidence to support a common conclusion) to create strong, structured, logical arguments.
- Show evidence of independent literature research, expert consultation and other efforts to create a broad evidence base and make sense of your findings.
- Use specific examples from the shows to support statements and illustrate ideas.
1. Show Analysis
To be eligible for a pass on this assignment your Analysis must:
- Be 1500 words long, excluding your final reference list (note for all assessments, word limits have 10% wiggle room and you may include background/supplementary information - but never key info - as appendices that don't count towards the word limit).
Overall, your Analysis should ideally:
- Address the structure and key sections points listed above – including insights from theory/literature.
- Consider a range of show content and performance aspects, but craft an argument that focuses in on those most relevant to your show/development.
- Create a well structured, easy to follow argument that starts broad, focuses in, and ends with your development priorities - these should flow smoothly and logically from your reflections and literature review.
Word limit: 1500
Value: 20%
Due: 21 April
Estimated return date: approximately two weeks later
Submission: via Wattle
Assessment Task 2
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5
Show Analysis and Development - Part 2: Development (method, results, discussion, conclusion)
Marking Criteria
2. Show Development
To be eligible for a pass on this assignment your piece must:
- Be 1500 words long, excluding your final reference list.
Overall, your assignment should ideally:
- Address the structure and key sections points listed above – including insights from theory/literature.
- Clearly and specifically identify: one to three (depending on scope/size) development priorities; how you'll implement them; and standard and creative indicators to assess/measure results.
- Implement the improvements, describe the process and outcomes, including how your indicators demonstrate progress (or not).
- Report your findings/data in a clear, easy to follow manner using tables, diagrams, photos or other figures to enhance communication.
- Think deeply on the meaning of your results to produce a creative, novel and well structured/argued discussion.
- Provide both obvious and profound conclusions and recommendations useful for you and - critically - your peers, the Circus and science communication more broadly.
See also common criteria for both the Analysis and Development above.
Word limit: 1500
Value: 20%
Due: 27 June
Estimated return date: approximately two weeks later
Submission: via Wattle
Assessment Task 3
Learning Outcomes: 1,3,4,5
Science Show Videos (1 of 2)
Details of task: Performance of science shows plays a major part in your fieldwork delivering the Questacon Science Circus. This assignment will assess your ability to perform a high quality show. You will film and submit two recorded shows:
- School show
- Pop-up show (or second school show if not possible - pending tour arrangements)
Marking criteria
To be eligible for a pass on this assignment your must:
- Submit two tour science show videos
Ideally your show should demonstrate:
Science content, explanation and communication:
- Suitable level and explanation for the audience, with science integrated into performance rather than tacked on after each demo
- Accurate scientific explanations enhanced using creative analogies, physical actions, and/or other creative methods
- Performance of demonstrations with safety, creativity, ease and confidence
- Use of key communication messages
- Logical structure with smooth flow, effective conceptual and narrative sequencing, and smooth links/segues
Performance and audience engagement:
- Good pace with plenty of demonstrations - action-packed but not rushed
- Well managed audience interaction, questioning, and use of volunteers in different ways (single, multiple, whole audience)
- Enthusiasm, immediacy and audience ‘connection’
- ‘Strategic’ use of performance techniques (where they enhance the communication of science or other key objectives) including appropriate audience interaction, humour, drama and/or other skills (e.g. music or dance)
- Use of suitable style, tone and language for the particular audience
Presentation skills:
- Clear voice, projected strongly and clearly
- Variation in pitch, volume and pace of voice which enhances engagement and communication of the science (strategic use)
- Good eye contact and strategic use of facial gestures and body movement
- Clear sight-lines and visuals for the audience, particularly the visibility of demonstrations
- Use of presentation techniques to control the audience
Relevance, creativity, personalisation and show development:
- Use of everyday examples of the science concepts, especially where these connect/appeal to the particular audience
- Innovation and creativity refining the show from the original show notes
- New content and demonstrations that fits in the show theme
- Personal touches such as referencing background expertise, unique anecdotes, etc. which enhance content in the show
- Evidence of application of feedback.
This assignment will only assess your own show and not any joint introductions and conclusions or busks. Only the show should be submitted in the video file.
Value: 20% - 10% Video 1; 10% Video 2
Video requirements: Ideally you should edit/record such that the file is only your show performance. In the event editing is difficult, you may highlight IN THE FILE NAME the start time of your show. The video should be in one file and in a common video format, e.g. mpeg, avi, etc. Please do your best to ensure good audio quality. A front-on view works best.
Due dates:
- Video 1 (school) due 10 May
- Video 2 (pop-up) due 22 June
Estimated return date: one month after
Submission: Upload to Google Drive or OneDrive (or similar) then submit document with link to wattle
Assessment Task 4
Learning Outcomes: 1,3,4,5
Science Show Videos (2 of 2)
See detail in Assessment Task above
Assessment Task 5
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5
Work Placement 1: Reflections
Details of task: During your Questacon placements you’ll get to work with professional teams at Questacon. Tasks may include to shadow and assist their team, co-deliver programs, develop new content, and generally contribute to Questacon's science communication activity. A key part of the placement is applying science communication theory and insights from the literature and staff at Questcaon in practice - as placements are unique you'll need to take the lead in finding theory/literature relevant to your particular placement. More info on placements and allocation to them will be provided by Questacon. This task asks you to reflect on your first placement in three forum posts. Posts are completed individually (even if you are working in a team placement).
Exactly what you reflect on is somewhat open, but you should aim to fuse your practical experiences at Questacon with deeper insights from your own thinking, the academic literature and theory associated with the course, and/or wider science communication or associated areas. It’s suggested you look for broader patterns/themes in your placement/practice, rather than focusing narrowly on one experience.
These posts are an opportunity to document ideas from science communication theory and insights from the experts at Questacon into your work placement as you go - a key thing you will need to report on in the Work Placement Presentation. Please see the folder on wattle for papers that may be useful; papers on the SCOM6007 wattle page may also be useful for some placements - you will also need to do your own research and/or ask leads from Q and ANU. Make the most of the expert team at Q - to reference them, cite it as a 'personal communication'.
The key idea is to bring theory and practice together in a more personal, reflective way that will make you and Questacon more effective communicators.
Marking Criteria
To be eligible for a pass on this assignment you must:
- Make three posts spaced over your first placement – one towards the start, one in the middle, and one at the end. While overall timing is flexible to accommodate your Questacon activity, please see the requirements of when to post during your placement below.
- Post a 300-500 word written post.
- Comment meaningfully on at least two posts of other students.
Overall, your posts should ideally:
- Combine deep insights on your own or others' practice at Questacon with relevant theory and literature.
- Find broader patterns or principles in your practice that can be applied to other contexts, and highlight their relevance to peers and Questacon staff.
- Have clear recommendations or outcomes from your reflection and apply them in practice going forward.
Length: 3 posts / 300-500 words per post
Value: 15%
Due: spaced over your first placement - beginning (after two full days of work), middle (the middle time of your placement + - 1 day) and end (within three days of finishing)
Estimated return date: end of semester 2 (if you would like earlier feedback contact Graham, the diversity in placement timings make progressive marking tricky)
Submission: link for Wattle online discussion forum will be supplied
Assessment Task 6
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5
Work Placement Presentation
Details of task: This assignment asks you to reflect and report on your Questacon work placement(s), exploring both logistical/practical and conceptual/literature-based aspects. Depending on your placement(s) structure, you may want to do it in two parts (e.g. for two very different placements) or all together (e.g. two linked placements). This is formatted as a round-table/seminar type presentation so Questacon and ANU staff and your peers can learn from your experience. If your placement was done in a pair, you should present together in one team presentation noting the ‘groups’ timing below. In the rare event of a team of three or more, please check in with Graham regarding timings and overall group(s) structure. To be successful in this presentation, you will need to have kept detailed notes on your placement experience as you go.
Your presentation (including a PowerPoint file or similar) should include:
- A detailed description of what you did and its aims, including background on the Questacon team and context (don't assume people are familiar with the detail of what the Q team does).
- A detailed description of the outcomes it produced. Wherever possible this should include actual examples (e.g. an excerpt from a show, an exhibit/activity you created, evaluation findings, etc.).
- A review of literature and other experts sources that supports (1) the design/methodology/approach/etc. you used (i.e. what you did), and (2) to better understand its outcomes (i.e. how does the literature/theory help understand the outcomes?).
- Analysis of any feedback, data, anecdotes, observations, etc. from audiences, Questacon staff or elsewhere that show effectiveness, ideas for improvement, or other aspects. You are not required to formally evaluate your project unless that was part of the Questacon brief.
- Building on the literature review, analysis/discussion of how your work placement fits into contemporary science communication theory/practice. This may cover links to wider science communication models/concepts, how your experience confirms/refutes/expands ideas in the literature, recommendations for science communication practice based on your experience, etc. (similar to the Discussion section in an academic paper).
- Specific recommendations for the Questacon team and project.
- What skills and knowledge you gained from placement, including reflecting on what you think are the most important underlying transferable skills.
- A reference list (this may include sources used in the presentation and elsewhere in the placement).
- Active discussion and Q&A to allow the substance and outcomes of the placement to be fleshed out collectively - this may include questions you have for the Q team.
Marking Criteria
To be eligible for a pass on this assignment your presentation must:
- Present as per the length below and make best efforts for active discussion and Q&A.
- Submit your PowerPoint or equivalent.
- Demonstrate you completed and were effective in your placement(s).
- Incorporate academic literature and a reference list.
Overall, your presentation should ideally:
- Include the sections above and any others specific to your placement, giving the audience a detailed idea of your experiences and outcomes.
- Be presented in a clear, engaging, professional and personable manner, showing evidence of planning and rehearsal.
- Include illustrative examples of placement experience and outcomes.
- Include physical or screen based visual communication such as props, exhibits, diagrams, video, pictures, tables and/or figures that enhance communication.
- Be neatly formatted, written in clear and concise language, have excellent spelling, punctuation, grammar and structure.
Length: individuals – 20 minutes presentation/15 minutes discussion, groups (2 students) – 30 minutes presentation/20 minutes discussion
Value: 25%
Due: TBC early November
Estimated return date: 1-2 weeks later
Submission: presentation in-person / PowerPoint file or similar via Wattle
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a core part of the ANU culture as a community of scholars. At its heart, academic integrity is about behaving ethically, committing to honest and responsible scholarly practice and upholding these values with respect and fairness.
The ANU commits to assisting all members of our community to understand how to engage in academic work in ways that are consistent with, and actively support academic integrity. The ANU expects staff and students to be familiar with the academic integrity principle and Academic Misconduct Rule, uphold high standards of academic integrity and act ethically and honestly, to ensure the quality and value of the qualification that you will graduate with.
The Academic Misconduct Rule is in place to promote academic integrity and manage academic misconduct. Very minor breaches of the academic integrity principle may result in a reduction of marks of up to 10% of the total marks available for the assessment. The ANU offers a number of online and in person services to assist students with their assignments, examinations, and other learning activities. Visit the Academic Skills website for more information about academic integrity, your responsibilities and for assistance with your assignments, writing skills and study.
Online Submission
You will be required to electronically sign a declaration as part of the submission of your assignment. Please keep a copy of the assignment for your records. Unless an exemption has been approved by the Associate Dean (Education) submission must be through Turnitin.
Hardcopy Submission
For some forms of assessment (hand written assignments, art works, laboratory notes, etc.) hard copy submission is appropriate when approved by the Associate Dean (Education). Hard copy submissions must utilise the Assignment Cover Sheet. Please keep a copy of tasks completed for your records.
Late Submission
Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are penalised at the rate of 5% of the possible marks available per working day or part thereof. Late submission of assessment tasks is not accepted after 10 working days after the due date, or on or after the date specified in the course outline for the return of the assessment item. Late submission is not accepted for take-home examinations. Late submission is not accepted for the Round Table Presentation, Show 2 or Creating New Props and Demos final report/video.
Referencing Requirements
Accepted academic practice for referencing sources that you use in presentations can be found via the links on the Wattle site, under the file named “ANU and College Policies, Program Information, Student Support Services and Assessment”. Alternatively, you can seek help through the Students Learning Development website.
Returning Assignments
Assignments will be returned via Wattle/Turnitin and/or by email. Feedback and grading is typically via comments in the documents and a feedback summary and grade.
Extensions and Penalties
Extensions and late submission of assessment pieces are covered by the Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure. Extensions may be granted for assessment pieces that are not examinations or take-home examinations. If you need an extension, you must request an extension in writing on or before the due date. If you have documented and appropriate medical evidence that demonstrates you were not able to request an extension on or before the due date, you may be able to request it after the due date.
Privacy Notice
The ANU has made a number of third party, online, databases available for students to use. Use of each online database is conditional on student end users first agreeing to the database licensor’s terms of service and/or privacy policy. Students should read these carefully. In some cases student end users will be required to register an account with the database licensor and submit personal information, including their: first name; last name; ANU email address; and other information.In cases where student end users are asked to submit ‘content’ to a database, such as an assignment or short answers, the database licensor may only use the student’s ‘content’ in accordance with the terms of service – including any (copyright) licence the student grants to the database licensor. Any personal information or content a student submits may be stored by the licensor, potentially offshore, and will be used to process the database service in accordance with the licensors terms of service and/or privacy policy.
If any student chooses not to agree to the database licensor’s terms of service or privacy policy, the student will not be able to access and use the database. In these circumstances students should contact their lecturer to enquire about alternative arrangements that are available.
Distribution of grades policy
Academic Quality Assurance Committee monitors the performance of students, including attrition, further study and employment rates and grade distribution, and College reports on quality assurance processes for assessment activities, including alignment with national and international disciplinary and interdisciplinary standards, as well as qualification type learning outcomes.
Since first semester 1994, ANU uses a grading scale for all courses. This grading scale is used by all academic areas of the University.
Support for students
The University offers students support through several different services. You may contact the services listed below directly or seek advice from your Course Convener, Student Administrators, or your College and Course representatives (if applicable).
- ANU Health, safety & wellbeing for medical services, counselling, mental health and spiritual support
- ANU Diversity and inclusion for students with a disability or ongoing or chronic illness
- ANU Dean of Students for confidential, impartial advice and help to resolve problems between students and the academic or administrative areas of the University
- ANU Academic Skills and Learning Centre supports you make your own decisions about how you learn and manage your workload.
- ANU Counselling Centre promotes, supports and enhances mental health and wellbeing within the University student community.
- ANUSA supports and represents undergraduate and ANU College students
- PARSA supports and represents postgraduate and research students
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Research InterestsScience communication, science shows, informal learning environments, emotion and motivation in science communication, capacity building and international development, making and makerspaces |
Dr Graham Walker
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Research Interests |
Dr Graham Walker
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