single degree

Master of Engaging Asia

A single 1.5 year graduate award offered by the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific

  • Length 1.5 year full-time
  • Minimum 72 Units
  • Academic plan MENASI
  • Post Nominal MEngagingAs
  • CRICOS code 103371E
  • Mode of delivery
    • In Person
  • Field of Education
    • Studies in Human Society NEC
  • Academic contact
  • Length 1.5 year full-time
  • Minimum 72 Units
  • Academic plan MENASI
  • Post Nominal MEngagingAs
  • CRICOS code 103371E
  • Mode of delivery
    • In Person
  • Field of Education
    • Studies in Human Society NEC
  • Academic contact

Program Requirements

The Master of Engaging Asia requires completion of 72 units which must consist of:


12 units from completion of the following compulsory courses:  

ASIA8040 Engaging Asia: Australia and the Asian Century 

ASIA8050 Social Conflict and Environmental Challenges in Asia and the Pacific

A minimum of 12 units from completion of the following comparative courses:

ASIA8020 National and Transnational Histories in Asia and the Pacific

ASIA8021 Activism and Social Change in Asia and the Pacific

ASIA8022 Approaching Asia and the Pacific: Concepts, Tools, Methods

ASIA8023 The Body in Contemporary Chinese Cultures

ASIA8038 Cultural Creativity and Research in Asia and the Pacific

ASIA8048 Disasters and Epidemics in Asia and the Pacific

ASIA8051 Language and Power in Asia and the Pacific

A minimum of 12 units from completion of courses in one or more of the following thematic clusters:

Asia's Regional Transformations

ASIA8011 Rethinking Northeast Asia: Region, Culture and Society 

ASIA6099 Social Power in China: Family and Connections

ASIA6030 History of the State System in Southeast Asia 

ASIA6022 Special Topics in Asian and Pacific Studies

ASIA6176 India’s Culture Wars

IDEC8021 The Chinese Economy

POGO8220 Issues in Japanese Policy

International Engagement with and within Asia

ASIA8049 International History from Asia and the Pacific: Framing Critical Perspectives

INTR8017 Issues in Australian Foreign Policy

INTR8022 International Relations in the Asia-Pacific

INTR8060 China's Global Engagement

Asia's Social, Political, and Environmental Challenges

EMDV8009 Asia Pacific Environmental Conflicts: Causes and Solutions

REGN8051 Regulatory Complexity in Asia

STST8002 The New Power Politics of Asia

STST8068 Asian Strategy and Security: History, Theory and Practice

A maximum of 12 units from completion of the following courses on applied international engagement:


BUSI7033 International Business Strategies

BUSI7055 Asian Business Systems


BUSI7001 Managing the Global Supply Chain

MGMT7107 Managing Across Cultures

Environment and Climate Change

EMDV8080 International Climate Change Policy and Economics

EMDV8104 Environmental Governance


ANTH8060 Gender in Resource and Environmental Management

POGO8072 Development Theories and Themes

Tourism and Heritage

HUMN8033 Tourism, Heritage and Globalization

HUMN8035 Critical Issues in Intangible Heritage

Global Public Policy

POGO8044 Global Social Policy

POGO8045 International Policy Making in the Shadow of the Future

Diplomacy and Negotiation

DIPL8001 Transnational Diplomacy

DIPL8044 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

National Security

NSPO8032 Geoeconomics and national security

NPSO8034 China, America and National Security

Global Governance

ANTH8107 Global governance and the role of Multilateral Development Banks

LING6021 Cross Cultural Communication

SCOM6029 Cross Cultural Perspectives in Science Communication

A maximum of 6 units from completion of special topics course: 

ASIA6022 Special Topics in Asia and Pacific Studies

A maximum of 18 units of language courses from the following codes:

Burmese Language (BURM) 

Chinese Language (CHIN) 

Hindi Language (HIND) 

Indonesian Language (INDN)

Japanese Language (JPNS)

Korean Language (KORE) 

Literary Chinese Language (CHIN) 

Mongolian Language (MNGL) 

Sanskrit Language (SKRT)

Tetum Language (TETM) 

Thai Language (THAI)

Tok Pisin (TOKP) 

Vietnamese Language (VIET) 

Tibetan Language (TIBN)

A maximum of 6 units of experiential courses from the following list: 

ASIA6018 Maps and Mapping in Asia and the Pacific

ASIA8512 Supervised Project in Asia-Pacific Studies 

ANIP6503 Australian National Internships Program A 

ASIA6220 Asia Pacific In-Country Learning

INDG8001 Indigenous Peoples and Development in Australia: principles and practices for Indigenous-led change

INDG8003 Understanding Indigenous Wellbeing: Demographic and Socioeconomic Change 

INDG8004 Australian Indigenous Policy

Vice-Chancellor courses (VCPG)

Admission Requirements

At a minimum, all applicants must meet program-specific academic/non-academic requirements, and English language requirements. Admission to most ANU programs is on a competitive basis. Therefore, meeting all admission requirements does not automatically guarantee entry.

  • Bachelor degree or international equivalent with GPA 5/7; or
  • Bachelor degree or international equivalent with GPA 4/7 and a
  • minimum of 3 years full-time equivalent work experience at ANZSCO Skill Level 1
  • in a field related to the program; or
  • Bachelor degree or international equivalent with GPA 4/7 and a
  • Graduate Certificate or international equivalent with a GPA of 4/7; or
  • Graduate Diploma or international equivalent with a GPA 4/7; or
  • 48 units of courses in a postgraduate program with a GPA of 4/7; or
  • Graduate Certificate or international equivalent with a GPA of 4/7 and a minimum of 3 years full-time equivalent work experience at ANZSCO Skill Level 1 in a field related to the program; or
  • Graduate Records Examination (GRE) General test, completed no more than 5 years before the time of application, with a minimum score of 155 for Verbal Reasoning, 155 for Quantitative Reasoning and 4.0 in Analytical Writing and a minimum of 3 years full-time equivalent work experience at ANZSCO Skill Level 1 in a field related to the program; or
  • A minimum of 10 years full-time equivalent work experience at ANZSCO Skill Level 1 in a field related to the program.

In line with the university's admissions policy and strategic plan, an assessment for admission may include competitively ranking applicants on the basis of specific academic achievement, English language proficiency and diversity factors.

Academic achievement & English language proficiency

The minimum academic requirement for full entry and enrolment is a Bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA of 5.0/7.0.

However, applicants will first be ranked on a GPA ('GPA1') that is calculated using all but the last semester (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes.

If required, ranking may further be confirmed on the basis of:

  • a GPA ('GPA2') calculated on the penultimate and antepenultimate semesters (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes; and/or
  • demonstrating higher-level English language proficiency.

Prior to enrolment in this ANU program, all students who gain entry will have their Bachelor degree reassessed, to confirm minimum requirements were met. Further information: English Language Requirements for Admission 

Diversity factors: As Australia’s national university, ANU is global representative of Australian research and education. ANU endeavours to recruit and maintain a diverse and deliberate student cohort representative not only of Australia, but the world. In order to achieve these outcomes, competitive ranking of applicants may be adjusted to ensure access to ANU is a reality for brilliant students from countries across the globe.

Assessment of qualifications: Unless otherwise indicated, ANU will accept all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or international equivalents that meet or exceed the published admission requirements of our programs, provided all other admission requirements are also met.

Where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will base assessment on the qualification that best meets the admission requirements for the program. Find out more about the Australian Qualifications Framework:

ANU uses a 7-point Grade Point Average (GPA) scale. All qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to this common scale, which will determine if an applicant meets our published admission requirements. Find out more about how a 7-point GPA is calculated for Australian universities:

Unless otherwise indicated, where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will calculate the GPA for each qualification separately. ANU will base assessment on the best GPA of all completed tertiary qualifications of the same level or higher.

Credit Granted

Applicants who have completed a degree in a cognate discipline from a recognised university may be eligible to receive coursework credit towards this degree, in line with the ANU Recognition of prior and external learning policy

Cognate Disciplines

Asian Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies, Development Studies, Diplomacy, Environmental Studies, Gender Studies, History, International Business, International Relations, Language Studies, Law, Linguistics, Literary Studies, Media Studies and Journalism, Pacific Studies, Politics and Public Policy, Security Studies, Sociology

Annual indicative fee for domestic students

For more information see:

Annual indicative fee for international students

For further information on International Tuition Fees see:

Fee Information

All students are required to pay the Services and amenities fee (SA Fee)

The annual indicative fee provides an estimate of the program tuition fees for international students and domestic students (where applicable). The annual indicative fee for a program is based on the standard full-time enrolment load of 48 units per year (unless the program duration is less than 48 units). Fees for courses vary by discipline meaning that the fees for a program can vary depending on the courses selected. Course fees are reviewed on an annual basis and typically will increase from year to year. The tuition fees payable are dependent on the year of commencement and the courses selected and are subject to increase during the period of study.

For further information on Fees and Payment please see:


ANU offers a wide range of scholarships to students to assist with the cost of their studies.

Eligibility to apply for ANU scholarships varies depending on the specifics of the scholarship and can be categorised by the type of student you are.  Specific scholarship application process information is included in the relevant scholarship listing.

For further information see the Scholarships website.

This degree positions you to lead effective, deep, and engaged relationships with Asia in applied contexts. How will Asia and our region respond to rising inequality, social upheaval, climate change, border challenges, and transformative technologies? This degree offers the comparative and self-reflective perspective necessary for intercultural leadership skills. Approaching the idea of international engagement from multiple angles and cultural viewpoints, this program critically evaluates how histories, geopolitics, diasporas, and popular culture shape relationships between Australia and Asia. In a world where many shared global challenges require nuanced understandings of environmental crisis, technological innovation, and public health, this degree gives you humanistic and social science tools to address these STEM sites of crisis in historically informed and culturally sensitive ways. You can pursue advanced study in areas of international engagement, social change, political transformation, health crisis, and environmental challenges, while you have the opportunity to apply these regional understandings to such fields as business, diplomacy, tourism, environmental management, and public policy in courses offered across the ANU. In this program, you can develop long-term networks with leading experts in regional affairs. The ANU is home to one of the largest concentrations of scholars focusing on Asia in the world. It offers world-class language training and provides notable opportunities for in-country experiences. In this degree, you build a flexible skill set for professional advancement that allows you to approach key challenges in the region with rigor, empathy, and nuance.

Career Options

ANU ranks among the world's very finest universities. Our nearly 100,000 alumni include political, business, government, and academic leaders around the world.

We have graduated remarkable people from every part of our continent, our region and all walks of life.

Employment Opportunities

This degree allows professionals in a wide range of fields, such as the public service, business, consulting, public health, journalism, and non-profit management, the capacity to take a leadership role in advancing an organisation's engagement with Asia.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a broad knowledge of social, political, environmental, historical and/or cultural challenges facing Asia from the perspectives of different actors, engaging with viewpoints from inside and outside the region.
  2. Build intercultural leadership skills relevant to international engagement through multidimensional, self-reflective, and culturally-informed inquiry.
  3. Apply frameworks from the humanities, social sciences, and/or data sciences to engage with critical issues facing Asia, including challenges in STEM fields of environment, health, and/or technology.
  4. Conduct independent academic research that can inform applied multi-stakeholder processes, justifying methods and approaches as appropriate.
  5. Communicate findings effectively, through advanced written and verbal skills, to influence diverse stakeholders in applied and academic contexts. 
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