single degree

Master of Translation (Advanced)

A single two year graduate award offered by the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Length 2 year full-time
  • Minimum 96 Units
  • Academic plan VTRAN
  • Post Nominal MTransAdv
  • CRICOS code 083814G
  • Mode of delivery
    • In Person
  • Field of Education
    • Translating and Interpreting
  • Academic contact
  • Length 2 year full-time
  • Minimum 96 Units
  • Academic plan VTRAN
  • Post Nominal MTransAdv
  • CRICOS code 083814G
  • Mode of delivery
    • In Person
  • Field of Education
    • Translating and Interpreting
  • Academic contact

Program Requirements

The Master of Translation (Advanced) requires the completion of 96 units, which must consist of

A maximum of 24 units of language courses at 1000, 2000 and 3000 level

A minimum of 72 units must come from 6000-level, 7000-level and 8000-level courses

The 96 units must consist of:

24 units from completion of introductory courses in any of the following lists:

Ancient Greek

GREK3125   Advanced Ancient Greek (6 units)


ARAB3001  Advanced Arabic 1 (6 units)

ARAB3002  Advanced Arabic 2 (6 units)


CHIN3022 Modern Chinese 5 (6 units)

CHIN3023 Modern Chinese 6 (6 units)

CHIN3024 Advanced Modern Chinese A (6 units)

CHIN3025 Advanced Modern Chinese B (6 units)


ENGL6015   Creative Writing (6 units)

LING6001   Introduction to the Study of Language (6 units)

LING6020   The Structure of English (6 units)


FREN3010 Advanced French I (6 units)

FREN3011 Advanced French II (6 units)


GERM3007   German Studies - Advanced 1 (6 units)

GERM3008   German Studies: Advanced German 2 (6 units)


HIND3600  Hindi 6 (6 units)


INDN3003   Indonesian 6 (6 units)


ITAL3015  Advanced Italian Topics in Language, Culture and Society (6 units)

ITAL3016  Advanced Italian Topics in Language and Literary Studies (6 units)


JPNS3001   Japanese 5 (6 units)

JPNS3002   Japanese 6 (6 units)


KORE3013   Korean 6 (6 units)


LATN3125   Advanced Latin (6 units)

Literary Chinese

CHIN2019 Literary Chinese 1 (6 units)

CHIN2021 Literary Chinese 2 (6 units)


PERS3005   Advanced Persian A (6 units)

PERS3006   Advanced Persian B (6 units)


SKRT2103  Sanskrit (6 units)


SPAN3031 Advanced Spanish Topics in Language and Linguistics (6 units)

SPAN3030 Advanced Spanish Topics in Language and Culture (6 units)


THAI3008  Thai 6 (6 units)


VIET3003   Vietnamese 6 (6 units)

24 units from the following Research component:

18 units from completion of the following compulsory research training courses

LANG6001   Translation across Languages: The Translation of Literary Texts (6 units)

LANG6002   Translation across Languages: Specialised Materials (6 units)

LING6015   Language, Culture and Translation (6 units)

6 units from one of the following research project courses:

ANIP6503   Australian National Internships Program A (6 units)

LANG8016   Translation Project (6 units)

Maximum 24 units from completion of contextual courses in any of the following lists:

Cross Cultural Communication

ASIA8051   Language and Power in Asia and the Pacific (6 units)

LING6021   Cross Cultural Communication (6 units)

Communication Genres

ENGL6026 Creative Writing 3 Advanced Fiction (6 units)

HIST8011  Biography and History (6 units)

HUMN8026  Writing in the Public Sphere (6 units)

SCOM8014 Communicating Science with the Public (6 units)

Maximum 24 units from completion of courses on one of the following lists:


ARAB3006   Special Topics in Arabic (6 units)

ARAB3008   Media Arabic 2 (6 units)

Australian Indigenous Languages and Society

ANTH6005   Traditional Australian Indigenous Cultures, Societies and Environment (6 units)

LING6016   Language and Society in Indigenous Australia (6 units)


CHIN2019  Literary Chinese 1 (6 units)

CHIN2021   Literary Chinese 2 (6 units)

CHIN3015   Advanced Literary Chinese* (6 units)

CHIN3041   Chinese-English Translation (6 units)

CHIN3216   Chinese-English Interpreting: Methodology and Practice (6 units)

CHST3211   Reading China: Past and Present (6 units)

CHST3212   Reading Chinese Literature: Theory and Criticism (6 units)

LING2017   Chinese Linguistics (6 units)

*CHIN3015 may be completed more than once if the topic is different.


LING6008   Semantics (6 units)

LING6023   Dictionaries and Dictionary-Making (6 units)

LING6030   Advanced Academic English (6 units)

LING6529   The History of the English Language (6 units)

LING8026   Qualitative Research Methods in Language Studies (6 units)

ENGL6008 Theories and Methodologies for Literary Studies (6 units)

ENGL6025 Contemporary Australian Writing (6 units)

ENGL6117 The Politics of Comedy from the Globe to The Office (6 units)


FREN3107   Voyages littéraires: Modern Literature in French (6 units)

FREN3108   From Colonialism to Cinéma-monde: Films of the French-speaking World (6 units)

FREN3515   The Sounds of French: Phonetics and Pronunciation (6 units)


GERM2113 German Film Since the Wall: Identity, History and Belonging (6 units)

GERM3051   German Literature and Culture (6 units)

GERM3049   Berlin Stories: Places, Words, Images (6 units)


ASIA3108   Research Topics in South and Southeast Asian Languages B (6 units)

HIND2525   Learning Language Locally: India (6-12 units)


ASIA3108   Research Topics in South and Southeast Asian Languages B (6 units)

INDN3015   Advanced Indonesian: Translation into English (6 units)

INDN3104   Advanced Indonesian: History and Development of the Language (6 units)

INDN2525   Learning Language Locally: Indonesia (6-12 units)


ITAL3015   Advanced Italian Topics in Language, Culture and Society (6 units)

ITAL3016   Advanced Italian Topics in Language and Literary Studies (6 units)


JPNS2525   Learning Language Locally: Japan (6 units)

JPNS3005   Advanced Japanese: Issues in Contemporary Japan (6 units)

JPNS3006   Advanced Japanese: Language in Context (6 units)

JPNS3007   Advanced Japanese: Readings in Culture and Society (6 units)

JPNS3008   Advanced Japanese: Readings in Literature (6 units)

JPNS3012   Teaching Japanese: Content (6 units)

JPNS3013   Japanese - English Translation (6 units)

JPNS3014   Teaching Japanese: Method (6 units)

JPNS3023   Research Topics in Japanese: History and Society (6 units)

JPNS3024   Research Topics in Japanese: International Relations and Politics (6 units)

JPNS3102   Debating Japan: Contemporary Intellectual Debates (6 units)


KORE3015  Advanced Korean: Film and Society (6 units)

KORE3018   Advanced Korean: Literature and Media (6 units)

Literary Chinese

CHIN3015 Advanced Literary Chinese* (6 units)

* CHIN3015 may be completed more than once if the topic is different.


ASIA3108   Research Topics in South and Southeast Asian Languages B (6 units)

SKRT3002   Sanskrit 7 (6 units)

SKRT3003   Sanskrit 8 (6 units)


SPAN2107   Cinema from the Spanish-Speaking World (6 units)

SPAN2601 The Sounds of Spanish (6 units)

SPAN2604   Multilingualism and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas (6 units)

SPAN3100   Violence and Power in Hispanic Literature: Crímenes Perfectos (6 units)


ASIA3108   Research Topics in South and Southeast Asian Languages B (6 units)


ASIA3108   Research Topics in South and Southeast Asian Languages B (6 units)

24 units from completion of THES8105 Thesis *

* Students applying for Certified Advanced Translator must complete a substantial translation and exegesis in THES8105.

Students must have the written agreement of an identified supervisor in order to enrol in THES8105 Thesis in a specified semester one calendar year in advance of the start date of that semester. Students who do not have the written agreement of an identified supervisor one calendar year in advance, or whose agreed supervisor either subsequently leaves the university or is on leave from the university, will be transferred to the Master of Translation.

Unless otherwise stated, a course used to satisfy the requirements of one list may not be double counted towards satisfying the requirements of another list.

Students are strongly recommended to discuss their study options with the program convener.



Master Research

This degree has been accredited at AQF Level 9 with a significant component of Research. 

Master Research Training

This degree has been accredited at AQF Level 9 with a significant component of Research. 

Study Options

Year 1 48 units Introductory Course 6 units Introductory Course 6 units Introductory Course 6 units Introductory Course 6 units
LANG6001 LING6015 Language, Culture and Translation 6 units Contextual Course 6 units Contextual Course 6 units
Year 2 48 units LANG6002 Translation across Languages: Specialised Materials 6 units Research Project Course 6 units Contextual Course 6 units Contextual Course 6 units
- THES8105 24 units - -

Admission Requirements

At a minimum, all applicants must meet program-specific academic/non-academic requirements, and English language requirements. Admission to most ANU programs is on a competitive basis. Therefore, meeting all admission requirements does not automatically guarantee entry. 

Admission is by transfer from the Master of Translation with a minimum GPA of 6/7 as well as the approval of an identified supervisor for the research project/thesis.

If the total number of units attempted exceeds 72 in the same teaching period in which the 72nd unit is attempted, exactly 72 units will be used in the calculation of the weighted average mark with units from the course with the highest mark applied first followed by further units from courses in descending order of marks.

Students will be awarded up to 72 units of course credit for completed courses listed in this Masters (Advanced) degree.

Students must have the written agreement of an identified supervisor in order to enrol in THES8105 Thesis in a specified semester one calendar year in advance of the start date of that semester. Students who do not have the written agreement of an identified supervisor one calendar year in advance, or whose agreed supervisor either subsequently leaves the university or is on leave from the university, will be transferred to the Master of Translation.

In line with the university's admissions policy and strategic plan, an assessment for admission may include competitively ranking applicants on the basis of specific academic achievement, English language proficiency and diversity factors. 

Academic achievement & English language proficiency

The minimum academic requirement for full entry and enrolment is a Bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA of 6.0/7.0. 

However, applicants will first be ranked on a GPA ('GPA1') that is calculated using all but the last semester (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes. 

If required, ranking may further be confirmed on the basis of: 

• a GPA ('GPA2') calculated on the penultimate and antepenultimate semesters (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes; and/or

• demonstrating higher-level English language proficiency. 

Prior to enrolment in this ANU program, all students who gain entry will have their Bachelor degree reassessed, to confirm minimum requirements were met.

Diversity factors

As Australia’s national university, ANU is global representative of Australian research and education. ANU endeavours to recruit and maintain a diverse and deliberate student cohort representative not only of Australia, but the world. In order to achieve these outcomes, competitive ranking of applicants may be adjusted to ensure access to ANU is a reality for brilliant students from countries across the globe.

Assessment of qualifications

Unless otherwise indicated, ANU will accept all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or international equivalents that meet or exceed the published admission requirements of our programs, provided all other admission requirements are also met.

 Where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will base assessment on the qualification that best meets the admission requirements for the program. Find out more about the Australian Qualifications Framework:

ANU uses a 7-point Grade Point Average (GPA) scale. All qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to this common scale, which will determine if an applicant meets our published admission requirements. Find out more about how a 7-point GPA is calculated for Australian universities:

Unless otherwise indicated, where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will calculate the GPA for each qualification separately. ANU will base assessment on the best GPA of all completed tertiary qualifications of the same level or higher.

Applications for course credit

Applicants with a Bachelor Degree or Graduate Certificate in a cognate discipline may be eligible for up to 24 units (one semester) of credit. 

Applicants with a Graduate Diploma or Bachelor degree with Honours in a cognate discipline may be eligible for up to 48 units (one year) of credit.

Alternate Admin Requirements

At a minimum, all applicants must meet program-specific academic/non-academic requirements, and English language requirements. Admission to most ANU programs is on a competitive basis. Therefore, meeting all admission requirements does not automatically guarantee entry. 

Admission is by transfer from the Master of Translation with a minimum GPA of 6/7 as well as the approval of an identified supervisor for the research project/thesis.

If the total number of units attempted exceeds 72 in the same teaching period in which the 72nd unit is attempted, exactly 72 units will be used in the calculation of the weighted average mark with units from the course with the highest mark applied first followed by further units from courses in descending order of marks.

Students will be awarded up to 72 units of course credit for completed courses listed in this Masters (Advanced) degree.

Students must have the written agreement of an identified supervisor in order to enrol in THES8105 Thesis in a specified semester one calendar year in advance of the start date of that semester. Students who do not have the written agreement of an identified supervisor one calendar year in advance, or whose agreed supervisor either subsequently leaves the university or is on leave from the university, will be transferred to the Master of Translation.

In line with the university's admissions policy and strategic plan, an assessment for admission may include competitively ranking applicants on the basis of specific academic achievement, English language proficiency and diversity factors. 

Academic achievement & English language proficiency

The minimum academic requirement for full entry and enrolment is a Bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA of 6.0/7.0. 

However, applicants will first be ranked on a GPA ('GPA1') that is calculated using all but the last semester (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes. 

If required, ranking may further be confirmed on the basis of: 

• a GPA ('GPA2') calculated on the penultimate and antepenultimate semesters (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes; and/or

• demonstrating higher-level English language proficiency. 

Prior to enrolment in this ANU program, all students who gain entry will have their Bachelor degree reassessed, to confirm minimum requirements were met.

Diversity factors

As Australia’s national university, ANU is global representative of Australian research and education. ANU endeavours to recruit and maintain a diverse and deliberate student cohort representative not only of Australia, but the world. In order to achieve these outcomes, competitive ranking of applicants may be adjusted to ensure access to ANU is a reality for brilliant students from countries across the globe.

Assessment of qualifications

Unless otherwise indicated, ANU will accept all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or international equivalents that meet or exceed the published admission requirements of our programs, provided all other admission requirements are also met.

 Where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will base assessment on the qualification that best meets the admission requirements for the program. Find out more about the Australian Qualifications Framework:

ANU uses a 7-point Grade Point Average (GPA) scale. All qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to this common scale, which will determine if an applicant meets our published admission requirements. Find out more about how a 7-point GPA is calculated for Australian universities:

Unless otherwise indicated, where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will calculate the GPA for each qualification separately. ANU will base assessment on the best GPA of all completed tertiary qualifications of the same level or higher.

Applications for course credit

Applicants with a Bachelor Degree or Graduate Certificate in a cognate discipline may be eligible for up to 24 units (one semester) of credit. 

Applicants with a Graduate Diploma or Bachelor degree with Honours in a cognate discipline may be eligible for up to 48 units (one year) of credit.

Credit Granted

Applicants with a Bachelor Degree or Graduate Certificate in a cognate discipline may be eligible for up to 24 units (one semester) of credit. 

Applicants with a Graduate Diploma or Bachelor degree with Honours in a cognate discipline may be eligible for up to 48 units (one year) of credit.

Cognate Disciplines

Applied Linguistics, Area Studies, Communication, Languages,Linguistics, Literature, Translating/Interpreting.

Annual indicative fee for domestic students

For more information see:

Annual indicative fee for international students

For further information on International Tuition Fees see:

Fee Information

All students are required to pay the Services and amenities fee (SA Fee)

The annual indicative fee provides an estimate of the program tuition fees for international students and domestic students (where applicable). The annual indicative fee for a program is based on the standard full-time enrolment load of 48 units per year (unless the program duration is less than 48 units). Fees for courses vary by discipline meaning that the fees for a program can vary depending on the courses selected. Course fees are reviewed on an annual basis and typically will increase from year to year. The tuition fees payable are dependent on the year of commencement and the courses selected and are subject to increase during the period of study.

For further information on Fees and Payment please see:


ANU offers a wide range of scholarships to students to assist with the cost of their studies.

Eligibility to apply for ANU scholarships varies depending on the specifics of the scholarship and can be categorised by the type of student you are.  Specific scholarship application process information is included in the relevant scholarship listing.

For further information see the Scholarships website.

A Master of Translation (Advanced) will equip you with the highly-developed analytical and written communication skills in English and a language of focus, which you need to succeed in professional translation, as well as intercultural competence and transferable skills that will prepare you to succeed in increasingly global, multilingual work environments. It is designed to provide students with a focused qualification in the fields of literary and technical translation, along with an understanding of the history of translation and an appreciation of many critical issues in the field.

The degree provides a pathway for those who want to pursue doctoral studies in translation studies.

The ANU is home to a team of world-renowned intercultural specialists and language specialists who are also experienced translators. ANU offers the greatest variety of specialised language expertise available in Australia and is the ideal location for your study of translation.

The Master of Translation (Advanced) is a professional degree endorsed by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). Upon successful completion of THES8105 (Option 1), students are eligible for the Certified Advanced Translator testing level subject to the availability of the NAATI certification tests for each language. Upon successful completion of THES8105 (Option 2), students are eligible for the Certified Translator testing level subject to the availability of the NAATI certification tests for each language.


Career Options

ANU ranks among the world's very finest universities. Our nearly 100,000 alumni include political, business, government, and academic leaders around the world.

We have graduated remarkable people from every part of our continent, our region and all walks of life.

Learning Outcomes

  1. demonstrate a thorough knowledge of translation theory and practice specific to English and the language of focus;
  2. evaluate theories concerning the nature and use of translation and the practical application of those theories to specific areas of interest to the student;
  3. demonstrate an awareness of fundamental issues in translation including the processes of translation, assessing translations, the place of register and genre, and the questions of pragmatic and cultural interpretation;
  4. critically apply theoretical frameworks to the creation of translations;
  5. show analytic skills and creative thinking in translating between English and the language of focus;
  6. complete a major piece of research in the field of Translation. 

Research Strengths

This degree has been accredited at AQF Level 9 with a significant component of Research. 

Inherent Requirements

Information on inherent requirements is currently not available for this program.

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