• Total units 48 Units
  • Specialisation code STAT-HSPC
  • Academic career Undergraduate

The statistics honours specialisation is a program offered within the Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Applied Statistics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in statistics. We seek outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent statistical research with the guidance from academic staff. Past students graduating from the Honours in Statistics program have been highly successful in professional practice and a number have progressed to PhD studies.

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Admission Requirements

1. 48 units from completion of one of the following majors or equivalent:

Statistics major

Quantitative Finance major

Mathematical Finance major

2. with a weighted average mark equivalent to an ANU 75 per cent calculated from the 36 units (i.e. 0.75 EFTSL) of courses with highest final marks, excluding 1000-level courses (i.e. introductory undergraduate courses), from the major above

3. and with the written approval of the Honours Convener.

The number of places available in the program may be limited by the Dean due to supervisory capacity.


This Honours specialisation requires the completion of 48 units, which must consist of:

30 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
STAT4027 Statistical Inference 6
STAT4500 Statistics Honours Thesis 24

18 units from completion of the following course(s):

Code Title Units
STAT4018 Stochastic Processes 6
STAT4026 Graphical Data Analysis 6
STAT4029 Design of Experiments and Surveys 6
STAT4030 Generalised Linear Models 6
  STAT 4035: Risk Theory
  STAT 4036: Credibility Theory
STAT4040 Statistical Learning 6
STAT4072 Survival Models 6
STAT4116 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis 6
STAT4102 Applied Time Series Analysis 6
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