• Offered by Department of International Relations
  • ANU College ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
  • Course subject International Relations
  • Areas of interest Gender Studies, International Relations, Law, Diplomacy
  • Academic career PGRD
  • Course convener
    • Dr Maria Tanyag
  • Mode of delivery In Person
  • Offered in First Semester 2026
    See Future Offerings
Women, Peace and Security: Defining and Addressing Complex Security Challenges of the 21st Century (INTR8077)

In 2000, when the Security Council adopted resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS), it was a diverse and geographically-representative coalition of Member States such as Bangladesh, Namibia, Canada and Jamaica, with a strong global constituency of women's civil society organisations who first tabled the resolution in the Security Council. The resolution was the first Security Council resolution to link women to the peace and security agenda, looking at the impact of war on women and their contribution to conflict resolution and sustainable peace.


This innovative course follows the four pillars introduced in the WPS agenda through UNSC1325 and explores- the role of women in conflict prevention, their participation in peacebuilding, protection of women’s rights during and after conflict, and specific needs during repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation, reintegration and post-conflict reconstruction. It explores the key arguments regarding gender, security and human rights that have preoccupied scholars, policymakers and practitioners; and how debates about inclusion, equality, and identity matter today.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

  1. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of how security and peace are inherently gendered.  
  2. Critically Analyse the concepts, theories and approaches relating to WPS
  3. Apply the knowledge developed through the course to critically analyse global humanitarian-development discourses
  4. Develop strong written and oral gender-sensitive and gender-responsive communication skills in order to analyse and discuss WPS agenda
  5. Apply knowledge of the significance of the WPS agenda through case studies of implementation in Asia Pacific

Other Information

  1. Seminar 1. Introduction
  2. Seminar 2. Feminist theoretical approaches to security 
  3. Seminar 3. Feminist theoretical approaches to peace 
  4. Seminar 4. Feminist critiques of WPS
  5. Seminar 5. Pillar 1: Participation
  6. Seminar 6. Pillar 2: Conflict prevention
  7. Seminar 7. Pillar 3: Protection
  8. Seminar 8. Pillar 4: Relief and Recovery
  9. Seminar 9. Case Study 1
  10. Seminar 10. Case Study 2
  11. Seminar 11. Case Study 3
  12. The Next 20 Years: prospects and challenges for WPS

Indicative Assessment

  1. Review Essay (1,500 words) (20) [LO 1,2,3,4]
  2. Herstory (3,000 words) (40) [LO 1,2,3,4,5]
  3. Case Study Report (1,500 words) (30) [LO 1,2,3,4,5]
  4. Class participation (10) [LO 1,2,3,4]

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This course comprises some 130 hours of activity over 12 weeks, both interactive/seminar based and independent research. The course comprises a maximum of 6k words of assessment or the equivalent. Please note this is a general guide, averaged over the semester and the final hours ultimately depend on the individual's ability in reading and writing.


Inherent Requirements


Prescribed Texts

Further information on prescribed texts will be provided via Wattle if required.


Tuition fees are for the academic year indicated at the top of the page.  

Commonwealth Support (CSP) Students
If you have been offered a Commonwealth supported place, your fees are set by the Australian Government for each course. At ANU 1 EFTSL is 48 units (normally 8 x 6-unit courses). More information about your student contribution amount for each course at Fees

Student Contribution Band:
Unit value:
6 units

If you are a domestic graduate coursework student with a Domestic Tuition Fee (DTF) place or international student you will be required to pay course tuition fees (see below). Course tuition fees are indexed annually. Further information for domestic and international students about tuition and other fees can be found at Fees.

Where there is a unit range displayed for this course, not all unit options below may be available.

6.00 0.12500
Note: Please note that fee information is for current year only.

Offerings, Dates and Class Summary Links

ANU utilises MyTimetable to enable students to view the timetable for their enrolled courses, browse, then self-allocate to small teaching activities / tutorials so they can better plan their time. Find out more on the Timetable webpage.

The list of offerings for future years is indicative only.
Class summaries, if available, can be accessed by clicking on the View link for the relevant class number.

First Semester

Class number Class start date Last day to enrol Census date Class end date Mode Of Delivery Class Summary
3272 23 Feb 2026 02 Mar 2026 31 Mar 2026 29 May 2026 In Person N/A

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