A postgraduate degree allows you to go deeper in a known field or explore new areas of interest.

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Software Engineering

A single four year undergraduate award offered by the ANU College of Systems and Society

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Software Engineering

4 Years 192 Units AENSE

Study plan and program details

Software Engineering is about building effective software systems that address complex problems in a broad range of domains including transport, communications, finance, medicine, science, entertainment and the arts.

The ANU Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Software Engineering has many unique characteristics, but best of all, it is built on a multidisciplinary systems approach. The adopted systems approach to software engineering not only covers the technical aspects of professional practice, innovation and research, but also the complex socio-technical context in which these activities occur. This includes approaches to dealing with uncertainty and risk, design, modern management practices, ethics and communication.


Students develop these skills and capabilities through a balance of theoretical study, practice in team projects with industry partners, and work experience. Students also have the opportunity to develop their innovation and entrepreneurial capabilities by working on their own start-ups with industry entrepreneurs as part of their degree.

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