A research degree allows you to work at the forefront of your field and address the challenges facing Australia and the world.

Graduate Certificate of Law

A single postgraduate award offered by the ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy

Graduate Certificate of Law

0.5 Years 24 Units CLAW

Study plan and program details

A student admitted to a program for a coursework award must enrol in the courses, sequences of courses, or combinations of courses, that the University determines may be included in the program for the year in which the student is admitted to the program.

Please ensure that you follow the study requirements of the academic year you were admitted or, if accepted, will be admitted to the program.

The Graduate Certificate of Law offered by the ANU College of Law is the best way to start your postgraduate legal studies; whether you are a non-law graduate or a law graduate from an overseas university. The program is designed to be a stand-alone qualification or provide an entry qualification to the Master of Laws.

Completion of the program is compulsory for all graduates without a Law or cognate discipline background seeking to progress to a Master of Laws at the ANU College of Law. The program is optional for law graduates from overseas universities who may be seeking to increase their understanding of Australian Law or Law and Legal Institutions. The program provides a flexible structure and includes a wide range of elective courses.

All courses are taught by staff with international research reputations and draw upon the universities strategic location in the national capital. The Graduate Certificate also includes a compulsory 6 unit course on Law and Legal Institutions which provides an important foundation for students’ legal studies.

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