single degree

Graduate Certificate of Pacific Development

A single graduate award offered by the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific

  • Minimum 24 Units
First year student? There’s more information about enrolling in your degree.
  • Academic plan CPADE
  • Post Nominal GCPacDev
  • CRICOS code 103366B
  • Mode of delivery
    • Multi-Modal
  • Field of Education
    • Studies in Human Society
  • Academic contact
  • Minimum 24 Units
First year student? There’s more information about enrolling in your degree.
  • Academic plan CPADE
  • Post Nominal GCPacDev
  • CRICOS code 103366B
  • Mode of delivery
    • Multi-Modal
  • Field of Education
    • Studies in Human Society
  • Academic contact

Program Requirements

The Graduate Certificate of Pacific Development requires completion of 24 units, which must consist of:

A minimum of 6 units from the completion of the following courses:

INTR8043 Globalisation and Development in the Contemporary Pacific

PASI8005 The Politics of Aid and Development in the Pacific

A minimum of 6 units from the following courses on development theory and practice:

ANTH8009 Development in Practice

ANTH8038 Gender & Development: Critical issues in policy and practice

CHMD8006 Global Health and Development

DIPL8010 Harnessing Diplomacy for International Development

EMDV8082 Food Wars: Food Security and Agricultural Policy

EMDV8124 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

POGO8004 Poverty Reduction

POGO8044 Global Social Policy

POGO8072 Development Theories and Themes

POGO8076 Corruption and Anti-corruption

A minimum of 6 units from the following courses on development and contemporary challenges in the Pacific:

Pacific Development

ANTH8106 Gender, Violence & Development

ANTH8047 Land Rights and Resource Development

ASIA8048 Disasters and Epidemics in Asia and the Pacific

DIPL8013 Pacific Diplomacy

LAWS8006 Law and Development in the Contemporary South Pacific

PASI8004 Pacific Health Development Post-Covid

PASI8009 Political Economy of Elections in Melanesia

PASI8010 Evidence-based program design and implementation in the Pacific

PASI6030 Study Tour: Regional Policymaking for Pacific Development

Applied master classes on contemporary challenges in the Pacific (3 units each)

PASI8301 How Papua New Guinea Works

PASI8302 Bougainville in Transition

PASI8303 Understanding the Pacific 1: Foundational Concepts, Critical Perspectives

PASI8304 Understanding the Pacific 2: New Actors, Contemporary Issues

PASI8305 Pacific Feminisms

PASI8306 The China Alternative? Changing Geopolitics in the South Pacific

PASI8307 The Political Economy of Service Delivery in Melanesia

PASI8312 Law and Justice in the Pacific

A maximum of 6 units of Tok Pisin language courses from the following Minor

Tok Pisin Language

Admission Requirements

Applicants must present one of the following:

  •  Bachelor or international equivalent with GPA 4/7      
  • Graduate Diploma or international equivalent with a GPA 4/7
  • Graduate Certificate or international equivalent with a GPA 4/7
  • 24 units of courses in a postgraduate program a GPA of 4/7
  • Graduate Records Examination (GRE) General test, completed no more than 5 years before the time of application, with a minimum score of 155 for Verbal Reasoning, 155 for Quantitative Reasoning and 4.0 in Analytical Writing and a minimum of 3 years full-time equivalent work experience at ANZSCO Skill Level 1 in a field related to the program
  • A minimum 5 years full-time equivalent work experience at ANZSCO Skill Level 1 in a field related to the program

The GPA for a Bachelor program will be calculated from (i) a completed Bachelor degree using all grades and/or (ii) a completed Bachelor degree using all grades other than those from the last semester (or equivalent study period) of the Bachelor degree. The higher of the two calculations will be used as the basis for admission.

Ranking and English language proficiency: At a minimum, all applicants must meet program-specific academic/non-academic requirements, and English language requirements. Admission to most ANU programs is on a competitive basis. Therefore, meeting all admission requirements does not automatically guarantee entry. In line with the University's admissions policy and strategic plan, an assessment for admission may include competitively ranking applicants on the basis of specific academic achievement, English language proficiency and diversity factors. Applicants will first be ranked on a GPA ('GPA1') that is calculated using all but the last semester (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes. If required, ranking may further be confirmed on the basis of:

  • a GPA ('GPA2') calculated on the penultimate and antepenultimate semesters (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes; and/or
  • demonstrating higher-level English language proficiency

Prior to enrolment in this ANU program, all students who gain entry will have their Bachelor degree reassessed, to confirm minimum requirements were met.

Further information: English language admission requirements and post-admission support

Diversity factors: As Australia’s national university, ANU is global representative of Australian research and education. ANU endeavours to recruit and maintain a diverse and deliberate student cohort representative not only of Australia, but the world. In order to achieve these outcomes, competitive ranking of applicants may be adjusted to ensure access to ANU is a reality for brilliant students from countries across the globe.

Assessment of qualifications: Unless otherwise indicated, ANU will accept all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or international equivalents that meet or exceed the published admission requirements of our programs, provided all other admission requirements are also met.

Where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will base assessment on the qualification that best meets the admission requirements for the program. Find out more about the Australian Qualifications Framework:

Unless otherwise indicated, where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will calculate the GPA for each qualification separately. ANU will base assessment on the best GPA of all completed tertiary qualifications of the same level or higher.

ANU uses a 7-point Grade Point Average (GPA) scale. All qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to this common scale, which will determine if an applicant meets our published admission requirements. Find out more about how a 7-point GPA is calculated for Australian universities:

Annual indicative fee for domestic students

For more information see:

Annual indicative fee for international students

For further information on International Tuition Fees see:

Fee Information

All students are required to pay the Services and amenities fee (SA Fee)

The annual indicative fee provides an estimate of the program tuition fees for international students and domestic students (where applicable). The annual indicative fee for a program is based on the standard full-time enrolment load of 48 units per year (unless the program duration is less than 48 units). Fees for courses vary by discipline meaning that the fees for a program can vary depending on the courses selected. Course fees are reviewed on an annual basis and typically will increase from year to year. The tuition fees payable are dependent on the year of commencement and the courses selected and are subject to increase during the period of study.

For further information on Fees and Payment please see:


ANU offers a wide range of scholarships to students to assist with the cost of their studies.

Eligibility to apply for ANU scholarships varies depending on the specifics of the scholarship and can be categorised by the type of student you are.  Specific scholarship application process information is included in the relevant scholarship listing.

For further information see the Scholarships website.

The Pacific region faces a number of challenging development and policy issues whilst also being at the heart of many global debates such as climate change and security. This graduate certificate provides a condensed pathway to deeper research-led learning on the Pacific region for policymakers, program designers, researchers and analysts working on and in the Pacific region. This flexible program offers the foundations to understand the complexities of development in the Pacific, while covering the depth and breadth of the current development, societal and political issues affecting the Pacific region. Students can choose from courses with traditional and intensive delivery methods, featuring assessment methods which foster critical awareness through an emphasis on building an evidence-base for policy work.

Career Options

ANU ranks among the world's very finest universities. Our nearly 100,000 alumni include political, business, government, and academic leaders around the world.

We have graduated remarkable people from every part of our continent, our region and all walks of life.

Employment Opportunities

This degree is suitable for professionals and practitioners seeking to advance their knowledge and engagement with the Pacific region. Relevant fields include the public service, the government sector (national and international), embassies and the diplomatic corps, the development sector and other non-profit-organisations.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an awareness of theory and concepts of development, together with an appreciation of how they inform and shape debate, and an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses
  2. Identify and describe Pacific development problems and the key issues that comprise them;
  3. Reflect critically on how Australia might effectively engage with and contribute to Pacific development;
  4. Demonstrate familiarity with research principles relevant to Pacific development

Further Information

Upon successful completion of 24 units of this program, you will be eligible to receive 24 units of credit towards the Master of Pacific Development offered by the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs in the College of Asia and the Pacific.

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Welcome to the Graduate Certificate of Pacific Development. This section for new students will help you to choose which courses you should enrol in for your first semester as well as general information to assist you throughout your degree.

The Graduate Certificate of Pacific Development is a 24 unit program. This consists of 4 x 6 unit courses and can be completed full time in one semester or taken part time over a longer period. (Note: International students must study a full time load)

After you have accepted your offer online you will be emailed your password and Student ID. Please follow all the instructions in the matriculation email you receive to activate your Interactive Student Information System (ISIS) account. You must then follow the instructions provided here and enrol online in your courses through ISIS. Enrolment is managed through ISIS while the online learning platform is known as Wattle. These two websites will be some of the most common sites used throughout your degree. It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with them as soon as possible.

Single degree

Study Options Examples:
Full Time:
Semester 1: Compulsory course (6u), Development Theory and Practice course (6u), Development and Contemporary Challenges in the Pacific course (6u), List courses (6u)Part Time (available only to domestic students):
Semester 1: Compulsory course (6u), Development Theory and Practice course (6u)Semester 2: Development and Contemporary Challenges in the Pacific course (6u), List courses (6u)

Do you want to talk to someone before enrolling?


About this degree

If you are looking to continue with a Master’s degree in the same field following your Graduate Certificate then please ensure that the courses you take are part of the relevant Master’s program. This will then ensure that you receive 24 units of credit for the courses you have taken. You will need to meet the admission GPA for the program to receive an offer.

Students are to follow the degree requirements for the year that they commenced the program. You can change the year on Programs and Courses by clicking on the drop down menu next to the year on the page.  If you would like to undertake a course that is not listed in your degree requirements, you will need to seek approval by sending an email to

Students are not eligible to receive credit in this program.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure the program requirements are met and that all compulsory and required courses are completed so that the program can be awarded.

Enrolment Status

You will need to enrol in one of the compulsory courses, PASI8005 or INTR8043, at least one of the courses on ‘development theory and practice’ and at least one of the courses on ‘development and contemporary challenges in the Pacific’ for the Graduate Certificate. You then will have one more course that you can choose from the list provided on Programs and Courses that will make up your 24 units (4 courses).

Please note that the courses listed are not available in every semester and some are run in alternate years, so please check to see on the individual course page regarding when they are available.

It is possible to enrol in less than 24 units per semester but it will take you longer to finish your program and get your degree. If you are an international student you must always be enrolled full-time in 24 units each semester.

If you are studying the Graduate Certificate part time you are encouraged to enrol in courses for both Semester 1 and Semester 2.  You will be able to change your enrolment in courses up until Monday of Week 2 of each semester without penalty.

Academic Advice

The Coral Bell Student Engagement team are available to provide academic advice to students.

You can contact the team by emailing or calling on 02 6125 5744

Students may also discuss their course selection with the Program Convenor, Dr Gemma Malungahu

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