The Music Technology minor teaches students the fundamentals of professional-level music recording, both in the studio and in the field, and examines multimedia and interdisciplinary art forms and communications technologies for music that have arisen from the digital revolution. Students have the opportunity to undertake research projects to deepen their understanding of specific issues, and performance projects to apply their learnings in practice.
Learning Outcomes
Students completing the music technology minor will have the knowledge and skills to:
- Understand and define key audio concepts and principles and apply theory and principles to practical situations,
- Describe sonic characteristics in technical terms
- Organize resources (musicians, equipment and venues) to undertake a sound recording and plan and document the use of resources including details of setup and settings used.
- Demonstrate several theoretical perspectives from which to analyse music’s place in a digital world and apply these theoretical perspectives to a number of specific musical cases.
This minor requires the completion of 24 units, which must include:
18 units from completion of the following course(s):
Code | Title | Units |
MUSI2209 | Music Recording and Production Techniques | 6 |
MUSI2216 | The Culture and Politics of Popular Music | 6 |
MUSI3309 | Music and Digital Media | 6 |
6 units from completion of the following course(s):
Code | Title | Units |
MUSI2205 | Music Performance Project 1 | 6 |
MUSI2213 | Indigenous Music and Media | 6 |
MUSI2214 | Music Research Project 1 | 6 |
MUSI3307 | Music Performance Project 2 | 6 |
MUSI3313 | Music Research Project 2 | 6 |