Korean is the official language of North and South Korea and is spoken by Korean communities around the world; altogether more than 80 million people worldwide speak Korean. The study of Korean gives students unique access to South and North Korea and in depth knowledge of their cultures, histories and social change over time. In an era of rapidly increasing connections between Korea and Australia, knowledge of Korean offers students the possibility to participate in the growing ties between these countries.
The Advanced Korean Language Minor is for students who already have a high level of competence in Korean. It deepens students’ knowledge and critical understanding of Korean languages and culture, continuing to improve their proficiency in reading and listening comprehension as well as oral and written expression. The courses included in this Advanced Minor allow students to examine in more detail cultural, social, and linguistic aspects of the Korean-speaking world. This Advanced Minor is also designed for heritage students, or background learners, of Korean.
Learning Outcomes
On satisfying the requirements of this minor, students will have the knowledge and skills at an Advanced level of Korean to:
1. Summarise, analyse, and evaluate texts, with limited use of a dictionary, in such authentic media as television and print news, magazines, films, and literature.
2. Express ideas using grammatically and stylistically appropriate language to the situation to give explanations, make academic presentations, evaluate other’s opinions, and confidently engage in debates.
3. Communicate confidently in speech and writing, in polite, neutral or informal registers, on such topics as interpersonal relationships, cultural events, popular culture, politics and history.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of socio-cultural issues in past and present Korean society, including such topics as gender issues, social structures, the dynamics of divided Korea, traditional arts and crafts, and Korea’s position in the world.
Other Information
A student may not take a course that is a prerequisite or a lower level than a course which they have already passed.
To gain entry into this sub plan, students who are commencing language studies will be required to take a proficiency placement test before enrolling for the first time. Students will not be permitted to enrol in a course at a lower than the level they achieve in the placement test, and may be exempted from compulsory courses.
Areas of Interest
- Asian Languages
- Translation Studies
- Asian Studies
- Asia Pacific Studies
- Language Studies
- Asia-Pacific Studies
- Linguistics
Relevant Degrees
- Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship (BAHCR)
- Bachelor of Arts (BARTS)
- Bachelor of Asian Studies (BASIA)
- Bachelor of Development Studies (BDEVS)
- Bachelor of International Relations (BIR)
- Bachelor of International Security Studies (BINSS)
- Bachelor of Languages (BLANG)
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Asia and the Pacific (APASP)
This minor requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:
6 units from completion of the following compulsory course:
KORE3013 Korean 6
A maximum of 18 units from completion of courses from the following list:
CHIN3030 Literary Chinese 1
CHIN3031 Literary Chinese 2
KORE3012 Korean 5
KORE3015 Advanced Korean: Film and Society
KORE3018 Advanced Korean: Literature and Media
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