Korean is the official language of North and South Korea and is spoken by Korean communities around the world; altogether more than 80 million people worldwide speak Korean. The study of Korean gives students unique access to South and North Korea and in depth knowledge of their cultures, histories and social change over time. In an era of rapidly increasing connections between Korea and Australia, knowledge of Korean offers students the possibility to participate in the growing ties between these countries.
The Advanced Korean Language Minor is for students who already have a high level of competence in Korean. It deepens students’ knowledge and critical understanding of Korean languages and culture, continuing to improve their proficiency in reading and listening comprehension as well as oral and written expression. The courses included in this Advanced Minor allow students to examine in more detail cultural, social, and linguistic aspects of the Korean-speaking world. This Advanced Minor is also designed for heritage students, or background learners, of Korean.
Learning Outcomes
Communicate confidently and effectively in spoken and written Korean, using grammatically and stylistically appropriate language to a variety of situations;
Demonstrate comprehension of linguistic knowledge related to the structure and use of Korean, including basic pragmatic and sociolinguistic aspects
Demonstrate comprehension of authentic texts such as news broadcasts, magazines, films, and literature by analysing them in proficient and coherent presentations with limited use of a dictionary
Recognise divergent cultural viewpoints by describing, contrasting, and comparing one’s own cultural practices and norms with those of Korean culture; and
Describe and analyse cultural practices and social issues in Korea, including in the contexts of history, economy, politics, religion, and contemporary society.
Other Information
Students with previous “language experience or exposure” are required to take a language proficiency assessment to ensure enrolment at the most appropriate level.
Relevant past experience includes:
- Previous study of the language (both formal and informal, for example but not limited to, at school, or, home, or through online activities, etc.)
- Being exposed to the language in childhood via a family member or friend
- Travel or living in a country where the language is spoken
- The language being spoken in your home (even if you do not speak it yourself)
Students who are not sure if they need to take a proficiency assessment should seek advice from the course or language convenor.
Students who intentionally misrepresent their language proficiency level may be investigated under the Academic Misconduct Rule 2015 as having failed to comply with assessment directions and having sought unfair advantage. This may results in a penalty such as reduced grades or failure of the course.
Students are not permitted to enrol in a language course below one that they have already successfully completed, except with permission of the language and/or course convenor
Areas of Interest
- Asian Languages
- Translation Studies
- Asian Studies
- Asia Pacific Studies
- Language Studies
- Asia-Pacific Studies
- Linguistics
Relevant Degrees
- Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship (BAHCR)
- Bachelor of Arts (BARTS)
- Bachelor of Asian Studies (BASIA)
- Bachelor of Development Studies (BDEVS)
- Bachelor of International Relations (BIR)
- Bachelor of Languages (BLANG)
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)—Humanities and Social Sciences (AHUSS)
- Diploma of Languages (ELANG)
This minor requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:
6 units from completion of the following compulsory course:
KORE3013 Korean 6
A maximum of 18 units from completion of courses from the following list:
ASIA2103 Language in Asia and the Pacific (L) (6 units)
ASIA2098 Asian and Pacific Studies Internship (12 units)
CHIN2019 Literary Chinese 1
CHIN2021 Literary Chinese 2
KORE3012 Korean 5
KORE3015 Advanced Korean: Film and Society
KORE3018 Advanced Korean: Culture and History
LANG3001 - Translation across Languages: the translation of literary texts**
LANG3002 - Translation across Languages: specialised material**
** These courses must have a Course Topic of Korean to be included in this Advanced Minor.
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