single degree

Graduate Certificate of Economics

A single graduate award offered by the ANU College of Business and Economics

  • Minimum 24 Units
First year student? There’s more information about enrolling in your degree.
  • Academic plan CECON
  • Post Nominal GradCertEc
  • CRICOS code 082256G
  • Mode of delivery
    • In Person
  • Field of Education
    • Economics and Econometrics
  • Academic contact
  • Minimum 24 Units
First year student? There’s more information about enrolling in your degree.
  • Academic plan CECON
  • Post Nominal GradCertEc
  • CRICOS code 082256G
  • Mode of delivery
    • In Person
  • Field of Education
    • Economics and Econometrics
  • Academic contact

Program Requirements

The Graduate Certificate of Economics requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:

24 units from completion of the following compulsory courses:

ECON7073 - Microeconomic Analysis (6 units)

ECON7074 - Macroeconomic Analysis (6 units)

EMET7001 - Mathematical Techniques for Economic Analysis (6 units)

STAT7055 - Introductory Statistics for Business and Finance (6 units)

Study Options

Year 1 ECON7073 Microeconomic Analysis 6 units ECON7074 Macroeconomic Analysis 6 units EMET7001 Mathematical Techniques for Economic Analysis 6 units STAT7055 Introductory Statistics for Business and Finance 6 units

Admission Requirements

Applicants must present one of the following:

  • A Bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA of 4.0/7.0
  • At least 10 years of work experience in an ANZSCO Skill Level 1 role

The GPA for a Bachelor program will be calculated from (i) a completed Bachelor degree using all grades and/or (ii) a completed Bachelor degree using all grades other than those from the last semester (or equivalent study period) of the Bachelor degree. The higher of the two calculations will be used as the basis for admission.

Ranking and English language proficiency: At a minimum, all applicants must meet program-specific academic/non-academic requirements, and English language requirements. Admission to most ANU programs is on a competitive basis. Therefore, meeting all admission requirements does not automatically guarantee entry. In line with the University's admissions policy and strategic plan, an assessment for admission may include competitively ranking applicants on the basis of specific academic achievement, English language proficiency and diversity factors. Applicants will first be ranked on a GPA ('GPA1') that is calculated using all but the last semester (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes. If required, ranking may further be confirmed on the basis of:

  • a GPA ('GPA2') calculated on the penultimate and antepenultimate semesters (or equivalent) of the Bachelor degree used for admission purposes; and/or
  • demonstrating higher-level English language proficiency

Prior to enrolment in this ANU program, all students who gain entry will have their Bachelor degree reassessed, to confirm minimum requirements were met.

Further information: English language admission requirements and post-admission support

Diversity factors: As Australia’s national university, ANU is global representative of Australian research and education. ANU endeavours to recruit and maintain a diverse and deliberate student cohort representative not only of Australia, but the world. In order to achieve these outcomes, competitive ranking of applicants may be adjusted to ensure access to ANU is a reality for brilliant students from countries across the globe.

Assessment of qualifications: Unless otherwise indicated, ANU will accept all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or international equivalents that meet or exceed the published admission requirements of our programs, provided all other admission requirements are also met.

Where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will base assessment on the qualification that best meets the admission requirements for the program. Find out more about the Australian Qualifications Framework:

Unless otherwise indicated, where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will calculate the GPA for each qualification separately. ANU will base assessment on the best GPA of all completed tertiary qualifications of the same level or higher.

ANU uses a 7-point Grade Point Average (GPA) scale. All qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to this common scale, which will determine if an applicant meets our published admission requirements. Find out more about how a 7-point GPA is calculated for Australian universities:

Cognate Disciplines

Economics, Finance, Business, Accounting, Commerce

Domestic Tuition Fees (DTF)

For more information see:

Annual indicative fee for international students

For further information on International Tuition Fees see:

Fee Information

All students are required to pay the Services and amenities fee (SA Fee)

The annual indicative fee provides an estimate of the program tuition fees for international students and domestic students (where applicable). The annual indicative fee for a program is based on the standard full-time enrolment load of 48 units per year (unless the program duration is less than 48 units). Fees for courses vary by discipline meaning that the fees for a program can vary depending on the courses selected. Course fees are reviewed on an annual basis and typically will increase from year to year. The tuition fees payable are dependent on the year of commencement and the courses selected and are subject to increase during the period of study.

For further information on Fees and Payment please see:


ANU offers a wide range of scholarships to students to assist with the cost of their studies.

Eligibility to apply for ANU scholarships varies depending on the specifics of the scholarship and can be categorised by the type of student you are.  Specific scholarship application process information is included in the relevant scholarship listing.

For further information see the Scholarships website.

The Graduate Certificate of Economics is designed to provide a foundation in economics for whose prior economics training is minimal or nonexistent. The Graduate Certificate will be attractive to those whose present or intended career calls for them to understand and appreciate economic discussion and analysis.

Career Options

ANU ranks among the world's very finest universities. Our nearly 100,000 alumni include political, business, government, and academic leaders around the world.

We have graduated remarkable people from every part of our continent, our region and all walks of life.

Learning Outcomes

  1. demonstrate understanding of the economic principles that underpin modern economics;
  2. implement core technical economic analysis in both microeconomics and macroeconomics;
  3. effectively communicate analytical reasoning in writing; and
  4. explain economic intuition for the evaluation of economic policy for a non-specialist audience.

Further Information

It is highly recommended that students take Maths summer course offered by the Research School of Economics upon completion of EMET7001 . Further information about this course is available here:

About this degree

This program requires the completion of 4 courses (24 units), and would typically be undertaken full-time in one semester.

Completion of 24 units, which must consist of the following compulsory courses:

ECON7073 Microeconomic Principles for Economic Policy  

ECON7074 Macroeconomic Principles for Economic Policy  

STAT7055 Introductory Statistics for Business and Finance

EMET7001 Introduction to Analysis of Economic Models and Data

Enrolment Status

While it is possible for domestic students to enrol in fewer courses per semester, ie. undertake part-time study, it will take you longer to complete your program. International students must undertake full-time study.

Study Options

Graduate Certificate of Economics

The following is a typical full-time study plan.

Study Options

Year 1 ECON7073 Microeconomic Analysis 6 units ECON7074 Macroeconomic Analysis 6 units STAT7055 Introductory Statistics for Business and Finance 6 units EMET7001 Mathematical Techniques for Economic Analysis 6 units

Academic Advice

Please refer to the CBE Fast Track page: 

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